
Complicated Relationships by Amy K. McClung…Release Blitz

    Title: Complicated Relationships A Southern Devotions Series Standalone Author: Amy K. McClung Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: December 2, 2017   Blurb   Tristan Jacob’s life is full of complicated relationships. Having been hurt by love and loss, and with his focus on taking care of his younger sister, […]

Appointed by Fate by Skye McNeil…Release Blitz

    Title: Appointed by Fate Series: The Mobster Files #1 Author: Skye McNeil Genre: Romantic Suspense Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing Release Date: September 30, 2017 Blurb One of Iowa’s most prominent criminal attorneys, Joci Dorous is ruthless and devoid of emotion in the courtroom. It’s what makes her the best. Her most recent client […]