
Until There Was Us by Samantha Chase…Release Blitz


We are thrilled to be sharing the release of UNTIL THERE WAS US by Samantha Chase with you today! UNTIL THERE WAS US is a new standalone perfect for fans of second chance romances. Be sure to grab your copy today!



Megan Montgomery has always been the careful type. Except…one time at her cousin’s wedding when she threw caution to the wind and had the steamiest hook-up of her life. But that was two years ago—why can’t she stop thinking about it? So when Megan accepts a job at her cousin’s company, she does everything she can to avoid Alex—knowing he’ll shake up her carefully crafted world.

Alex Rebat’s been living a good life. He loves his career and friends, but like Megan, hasn’t been able to stop thinking about their passionate encounter. And once Megan moves to town, Alex makes it his personal goal to show her that maybe it’s time to start taking a few more risks…

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Read an excerpt from UNTIL THERE WAS US

“Anyway,” Gabriella went on, “we never found out why they had so many questions or were so curious about the whole thing, but they spent a lot of time talking to Alex.” She paused. “Come to think of it, we never asked him what it was all about.”

“You can ask him tonight,” Zach said. “He should be here any minute.”

And just like that, Megan started choking again. This time Ethan came over and patted her on the back until she caught her breath.

He carefully moved her glass away. “Maybe wait a while before you try that again,” he teased. Everyone laughed, and Megan did her best to join in, but inside she felt like she was going to be sick.

“I’m good,” she said after a moment.

“You didn’t mention Alex was coming,” Gabriella said as she began putting a salad together.

“I asked him if he could come help us paint this weekend, and he said yes and even volunteered to help out tonight.”

“Well, that was nice of him,” Summer said, placing Amber on her shoulder and rubbing her back.

“He’s bringing beer and dessert,” Zach said with a grin. Then he looked at Ethan. “And I thought we could shoot some hoops before dinner since the rest of the night will be a snooze fest of unscrewing switch plates and taping trim.”

“Yes!” Ethan said with relief. “I was hoping there was going to be something else to do!”

“Hey, you volunteered,” Zach reminded him.

“I know, but that’s because I’m a nice guy and a good friend. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to be bored out of my mind,” he clarified.

“Megan, did you meet Alex at our wedding?” Gabriella asked.

Immediately, she felt her cheeks warm and knew she was minutes away from a panic attack. “Um…I don’t think so,” she said and then quickly excused herself. It wasn’t until she was in the bathroom that she finally allowed herself to breathe. She’d known she was going to see Alex eventually; she just wasn’t expecting it to be quite so soon. Looking down at herself, she groaned. Sure, he couldn’t come over after she’d gone shopping?

It was impossible to do anything about what she was wearing, and as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror, she cursed the fact that she hadn’t even had the good sense to bring a little lip gloss or anything with her. Closing her eyes, she silently counted to ten and forced herself to leave the bathroom.

The doorbell rang as she was walking by the front door, so when Zach asked her to get it, how could she say no? Letting out a slow breath, Megan reached a shaky hand toward the door and pulled it open.

And basically forgot how to breathe.

Yeah, he was everything she remembered and so much more—sandy-brown hair, tall, lean build, and muscles that made her want to reach out and touch them.

Or lick them. Whatever.

He was wearing dark sunglasses, so she had no idea if he was as surprised to see her as she was to see him, but he smiled as he softly said, “Hey, Megan.”

And just like that she was practically a puddle on the floor.

“Hey,” she said and wanted to curse how breathless she sounded. Stepping aside, she motioned for him to come in.


Her cheeks heated, and she couldn’t make herself look directly at him. “Everyone’s in the kitchen.” And when she walked past him, she could almost feel him. Swallowing hard, she led the way to where everyone was and quickly took her seat. Then she took a moment to congratulate herself on not acting like an idiot in front of him.


Don’t miss the other books in the Montgomery Brothers series!

Wait for Me / Trust in Me / Stay with Me / More of Me / Return to You / Meant for You / I’ll Be There / Until There Was Us



Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

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  1. Kathleen Bylsma says

    Love Samantha’s books and thanks!

  2. Awesome excerpt!! On my tbr gr list!! Shared on all my socials!!

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