
Jordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak…Release Day Blitz & Review

Jordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak

Dark Erotic Romance

Release Date: October 6th

Cover Designer: BexHarper Designs

Cover Model: Drew Leighty

Photographer: Travis Lane

Teasers: @bellelovebooks


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This story isn’t about love, like, lust, or a happily ever after. This story, my story, is about struggle, pain and suffering. Fighting to stay afloat while being pulled under by what feels like the murky and powerful undertow of the ocean. Fighting for strength I so desperately need when all I am feeling is desolate and weak. I’m a girl who exudes hatred when a normal girl of my age and pedigree should be the picture perfect portrait of love.

Alcohol consumes me. Drugs numb me. Sex for money feeds the hollow abyss deep within me. How does a soon-to-be twenty-five year old escort turn her life around when the last several years of her life has been spent traveling down a very dark path?

The Shadow
She became my obsession, my every thought. She is the reason I wake up in the morning, plotting, scheming, exacting a revenge she so desperately deserves. But will she take my offer once she learns my true identity; sees the darkness within me, or will she hate me for lying to her all of these years, leading her to lose herself to the drugs and alcohol that have kept her ghosts at bay? Will she be my Precious?

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If you have read any of Tesha’s previous work, please be prepared for her to take you on a totally different ride with this book. As the blurb states, this book is not about HEA’s. It’s not roses, unicorns, butterflies and rainbows. It’s life of one woman who at one point had at all; then one harrowing night changes her entire world and being.

My opinions may be slightly biased because I did edit this book, and as an editor, I wouldn’t allow my authors to put out a shit book. But I also thoroughly enjoyed reading this story when it was all said and done. What I loved about this book was Tesha’s ability to push herself out the norms of her other books – to write what’s begging to be written. It’s not as dark as originally planned only because she wanted to ease her existing fans into a different genre, but also still pull in new readers too. But it still has the dark tendencies with the edge of suspense built in.

The story line is about a young woman who is raped at the young age of 17 and how that one night changes and shapes her into the woman she becomes. It’s not pretty, but it’s real, raw and ugly. But everyone once in awhile, there is a beacon of light in those dark places. And Jordan’s beacon of light is The Shadow, Hunter Knight, someone she never anticipated becoming more than just another one of her outlets, her addictions.

Hunter (Shadow) and Jordan may not have the most conventional type of relationship, but it works for them. Crazy attracts crazy, right?! They somehow are able to find the rhythm that works for them – an imperfectly perfect balance.

But the main reason for Hunter ever finding himself in Jordan’s life to exact revenge for her for all the ways she had been wronged in her past. Jordan may not think she can ever face her demons, but with Hunter by her side, there isn’t anything that can stop these two.

I enjoyed reading this as Tesha put the story together – seeing how everything falls into place. Seeing how fucked up two individuals can be and that for some people, there are no boundaries when you’ve been to hell and returned with those scars. It’s an enjoyable suspense not just between Hunter and Jordan, but how things play out in the very end for everyone.

If Tesha is a new author to you, I urge you to give this book a try, if you can stomach a twisted romance with dark undertones. If you’ve read Tesha’s previous books, be prepared for something completely opposite of what she’s given us before.





Author Bio


T. R. Cupak was born and raised in the California Bay Area. She now lives in a quiet town south of where she grew up with her husband and their shih tzu Harley. She is obsessed with cars, especially fast ones, and enjoys her music louder than anyone should. When she’s not at work or busy writing, you can find her curled up, reading and enjoying a fabulous glass of wine or a Dirty Shirley.

Despite her lifelong love of literature, Cupak lost touch with her creative side in her early twenties. Her passion for reading was rekindled six years ago, however, and in 2013 she started journaling. This practice helped Cupak hone her creative aspirations, and soon she saw her characters come to life. She has rediscovered her passion for storytelling and wants to share her words with everyone who wants to read them.

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  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Great review court!! Shared on all my socials!!

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