
Prince of Blood and Steel by Nazarea Andrews & AJ Elmore…Blog Tour Stop & Review

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Seth Morgan has returned home after two years spent building an alliance that will take his family’s crime syndicate to a new level in New York City’s black collar society. He expects a warm welcome as heir of the Morgan empire. He hopes to finally marry Nicolette, the woman he’s loved his whole life.

What he finds is a different world, one where his family’s legacy is in ruins. His big brother, Caleb, has changed into someone cold and bitter, plotting to overthrow their patriarch. And Nicolette, daughter of the criminal banking industry, has left the family entirely.

When a vicious misunderstanding leaves Caleb dead, Seth is left reeling. Desperate for truth, Seth is forced to turn to his only remaining cousin, Emma, for support. As he tries to mend his relationship with Nicolette, he begins a search for answers that will take him from the dirty streets to the highest reaches of their illicit empire.

Torn between the desire to protect those who mean the most to him, and a need to learn more about Caleb’s death, he grows distant to protect them. As each secret surfaces, he realizes that the only way to restore his family is to take his place at its head, and fully embrace the brutal way they live.


My review:

Prince of Blood and Steel is the collaborative work between authors Nazarea Andrews and AJ Elmore.  I have been a fan of Nazarea’s other works and was really looking forward to what was in store with this book.  It was different than what I am used to from her, but every bit as good!

Prince of Blood and Steel follows the young rising royalty in New York City’s world of organized crime and all of the deceit, bloodshed, pain, and corruption that comes with it.

The ability to trust never comes easy to the members of organized crime and Seth Morgan was no exception.  He has just returned to New York City and is slated to rejoin the ranks in his family’s lucrative and illegal lifestyle and believes his brother Caleb is someone he can trust.  He was proven wrong faster than a New York minute and his brother is murdered for that broken trust.  Faced with being the sole heir to the crime world throne, Seth finds the number of trustworthy people dwindling down.  He knows he can count on his cousin, Emma, and is hoping he can win back the trust of his one true love, Nicolette. But what about everyone else he’s supposed to trust?  His uncle, his aunt, his father’s former right-hand man?  Will Seth find out the hard way who he can’t trustTrying to navigate through the darkest and dirtiest organized crime has to offer, Seth will unearth many truths and will learn the hard way that sometimes people can smile the biggest while they are stabbing you in the back and that the saying “hold your friends close and your enemies closer” really does have worth.

This book really has it all.  Crime, corruption, deception, greed, and plenty of evil but it also has heart and shows how strong some bonds can become.  It played out like a movie while I was reading with young Hollywood owning all the starring roles.  Seth is a tortured and confused mess without a direction and wanting no part of the responsibilities thrust into his hands.  He’s young and isn’t prepared for the chaos that crime life is.  He has no idea who he can trust and leans on the two women he thinks he can….Nicolette and Emma.  What I will say about those two gals is that I wasn’t sold that either one of them would be a wise choice for Seth to be able to trust until almost the last quarter of the book.  Well played, Nazarea and AJ.  I was so worried for Seth and was really pulling for him to take control of all of his swirling emotions and take control.  Now, you know I’m not going to give anything away here but trust me when I say, the ending climactic scene had me reading wide-eyes and white-knuckled and yelping a big “HELL YES!” when it was over.

If you’re a fan of The Soprano’s and movies like Cruel Intentions, then this is a book you really need to pick up!  Fast paced with twists and turns and plenty of characters that keeps you guessing, there wasn’t a dull moment to be had.  Thank you Nazarea and AJ for teaming up for one hell of a read!

4LovesRLBFour Loves




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About the authors:

AJ and Nazarea became friends in a writers group. Drawn together by a love of fictional bad boys and good wine, they are best kept several states apart but rack up a ton of emails and text messages arguing plot points.

photo-11Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog.

Site – http://www.nazareaandrews.com/
Blog – http://www.nazarea-andrews.blogspot.com/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/NazareaAndrews
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nazarea-Andrews/43623123516

Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/MtHwj



co authorAj has seven tattoos, two dogs, and a bachelor’s degree in journalism.  She enjoys live music, and a diverse range of writing styles and genres.  She has been writing creatively and therapeutically since childhood.  She also supports artist collaboration and cross-media projects.  She is an advocate of experience as inspiration.  She lives and works in southern West Virginia as a bartender novelist.


Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aj-Elmore-author-muse/329812783118
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MissVish

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