
Rina’s Quick Audio Bytes ~ Audiobook Reviews in Short: The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa

Quick Audio Bytes

immortal rules COVER

The Immortal Rules

By Julie Kagawa

Narrated by Therese Plummer


Story: 4.5 stars

Performance: 4.5 stars

Overall: 4.5 stars

Genre: YA Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Vampires are on the top of the food chain and humans have no choice but to either scrape by with the threat of death around every corner, or agree to be walking blood bags in exchange for a false sense of security. Refusing to be a registered vein on tap, Allison Sekemoto scavenges to survive with her small gang of outcasts, always unsure of when her next meal will be. Tired of going hungry, Allie ventures into the dangerous ruins outside the vampire city of New Convington and stumbles upon a gold mine that could guarantee her group would not go hungry through winter. However, when she returns with the others to collect the invaluable fortune, what’s waiting for them changes the world Allison thought she knew forever.


Quick Byte:

Just when I felt the vampire genre couldn’t possibly have a fresh spin, I happened across The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa as part of an Audible BOGO promotion. From the first chapter of this dystopian thriller, I was completely captivated. Just think, Walking Dead, meets Hunger Games, meets Underworld, meets Mad Max, and not necessarily in that order. Allison is a strong, relatable character who develops and grows with every new challenge thrust upon her, bringing the reader along for one crazy ride. The world around Allie is dark and twisted, full of support characters who you grow to love or love to hate.

Therese Plummer does a wonderful job bringing the story to life, allowing the listener to know who is speaking just by the inflection changes in her voice. She portrays the males with expert ease, to the point where chills ran down my spine each and every time I heard one male in particular.

Immortal Rules is the first book in Julie Kagawa’s series, Blood of Eden. The second book, The Eternity Cure is available now.










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