
Release Day Blitz & Review…The Player’s Club by Fallon Greer

The Player’s Club by Fallon Greer is now live!

It was supposed to be a simple assignment: stake out the golden boy hockey player Cole “Mac” Mackenzie as he exited the arena after a Los Angeles Blades game.
Follow him.
Get dirt on his personal life–something salacious to please the money-hungry gossip rag I worked for.
But I missed the moment Mac left the building. Or so I thought…
Twenty minutes later, I saw actual Mac exit after the media left. Apparently, he’d used a decoy to throw off the press–waiting until everyone left to make his getaway in private.
I started following the real Mac, and got more than I bargained for.
He led me to a mystery building tucked away in the middle of the suburbs.
Turned out, he was going to… a private club.
A club that wasn’t for the faint of heart–as I’d soon find out after sneaking in.
I wasn’t expecting to connect with Mac inside. Nor did I anticipate him to invite me back as his personal guest.
What started as a simple assignment turned into something much more–my biggest fantasy I never knew I had.
This wasn’t about the tabloid story anymore. I lied to my boss, told him there was nothing to see.
Meanwhile, I kept returning to the club.
I was addicted to unraveling the mysteries of Mac’s world.
Addicted to the man who lit a fire inside me.
But–with my own secret–it was only a matter of time before I got burned.

 Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

     Amazon: https://amzn.to/3VvKk9C

Audible: https://adbl.co/3A89x2D 

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/4eFaL5e 

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A black and white sign with white text
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Not too shabby for a debut novel by Fallon Greer.

The Player’s Club is a sports romance with mild BDSM elements. Do not let those BDSM elements make you shy away from this.

This story had a great strong start and Fallon easily and quickly grabs readers attention and keeps them vested for probably 85% of the story. Starting around 60ish percent, the concept of the book started to shift and while I could get glimpses of the author trying to blend it altogether, things weren’t as smooth as the beginning.

While the overall story was entertaining and kept me intrigued, there were parts that definitely needed fleshed out more or didn’t fit the story progression; details that were sort of forgotten halfway through the book that were important in the beginning; and then that ending just didn’t fit the overall flow with the rest of the book – it was too fast and wrapped up too easily.

Mac and Elodie’s story is fast-paced and more on the intsa-love side of things. We do get to see them get to know one another outside of their original agreement and those dates were really cute. These scenes were a great way for readers to show their relationship growing, but it’s an example of how parts weren’t in the right progression of the story.

Again, I did enjoy this book overall. I gobbled the beginning of this book very quickly and needed to know where this story was going and how everything played out. And nothing in this book has deterred me from not wanting to read Brady’s book when it releases.

Meet Fallon Greer

Fallon Greer is a twentysomething lover of romance novels, coffee, and bookish t-shirts, of which she has far too many. She lives in Miami with her Persian cat, Mortimer, who loves to sit on Fallon’s laptop when she’s trying to write.
Fallon first discovered her love of reading when she’d steal her mother’s Lisa Kleypas novels. That led her to start writing the types of books she loves to read.
When she’s not daydreaming through conversations with people and pretending to listen, she’s putting those daydreams to good use, writing novels as hot as the Florida sun.

Connect with Fallon

Website | https://fallongreer.com/       

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/people/Fallon-Greer-Author/61553397643622/ 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fallongreerauthor/  

TikTok |  https://www.tiktok.com/@fallongreer    

Twitter |  https://twitter.com/FallonGree4001       

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