
Release Day Blitz & Review…Fumbled Past by Lauren Runow


Release Date: February 9th  


FUMBLED PAST by Lauren Runow is LIVE!!! 

Grab your copy today!! 





Twenty years have passed, yet not one thing in my hometown has changed … even the man I left behind.

I was the girl no one could touch because they all feared my father. He was a legend, the head football coach who had created this town’s Friday night lights. Only two football players dared to win my heart—the boy next door and the new guy in town. I grew up on this football field and fell hard for these two men, who loved me just as much as the game.

When my dad died, decisions had to be made, and I chose the one who held my heart.

As I sit here in the stands, watching the one I didn’t choose fill my father’s role, I can’t help but remember our fumbled past. Wondering if I followed the right guy or what my life would have been like if I hadn’t.

This is a tough one for me to review. It’s an interesting love triangle. And let me tell you – it’s nowhere near what you think.

This book is told mostly from past and builds to the present. I have to say that I enjoyed how Lauren was able to keep you guessing to the very end as to who Sadie ends up with.

I will tell you that there is no unnecessary drama in this and the love triangle isn’t as bad as it sounds.

This was a unique take on YA sport romance with a love triangle. That’s all I am going to say.

Find other books by Lauren Runow here: www.laurenrunow.com


“Love the Life you Live. Live the Life you Love.”  ― Bob Marley

Lauren Runow is the author of multiple Adult Contemporary Romance novels, some more dirty than others. When Lauren isn’t writing, you’ll find her listening to music, at her local CrossFit, reading, or at the baseball field with her boys. Her only vice is coffee, and she swears it makes her a better mom!

Lauren is a graduate from the Academy of Art in San Francisco and is the founder and co-owner of the community magazine she and her husband publish. She is a proud Rotarian, helps run a local non-profit kids science museum, and was awarded Woman of the Year from Congressman Garamendi. She lives in Northern California with her husband and two sons.

Sign up for her newsletter under the blog page to keep up to date about new releases.


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