
Release Day Blitz & Review…My Professor by R.S. Grey


We’re so excited that R.S. Grey is releasing her new romcom, My Professor! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy now!


Title: My Professor

Author: R.S. Grey

Genre: Romantic Comedy


About My Professor:

Young and naïve—those are his exact words.

Professor Barclay views me as a nuisance, a disruption of his otherwise obedient class and perfectly regimented life. His bad impression of me stems from a simple misunderstanding, and when that impression sours from bad to worse, he decides to make an example out of me in front of the entire class. Every other female student in that auditorium looks on, longing to trade places with me, wishing they were the object of his attention. It’s humiliating. I want nothing to do with him or the tension growing between us, but he feels inescapable.


Deep down, I know I have a crush on him. It’s a shameful feeling I refuse to give life to.

Not that it matters—nothing can come from it. Besides our mutual dislike for one another and the fact that he’s my professor, there’s an age gap that should be warning enough.

While we might cross the line once—the dark glance across a dimly lit bar…the metallic sound of the bathroom door locking behind us…his hand slowly sliding up my skirt—I know it’s a boundary I can’t break again.


Now, more than ever, he’s off-limits.

After four years apart, I’m a brand-new hire at his firm. I’ve convinced myself he won’t remember me. I’m safe here in the wolf’s den.

It’s funny, isn’t it? How easily we can delude ourselves if only we want something bad enough.


Nothing has changed.


That same friction roils between us. My gaze still flees from the chill of his glacier blue eyes. At times it seems the only difference is how I respond to his commands.

He’s my new boss, so it’s no longer “Yes, Professor”.

He expects something a little different—

Yes, sir.

Grab Your Copy Today!





About R.S. Grey:

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels. She lives in Texas with her husband and daughter, and can be found reading, binge-watching reality TV, or practicing yoga! Visit her at rsgrey.com


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3.5 Stars

My Professor is Grey’s newest release and is a fairly quick read.

I am honestly quite torn on this one. While I loved the premise of this book and how things played out, I struggled with the connection between Jonathan and Emelia.

This book is told in two parts. Part One is where Jonathan Emelia first meet; he’s the professor of one of her classes. And that is where the “sorrid” first encounter occurs. It’s a very short part of the book but it establishes the allure that they both have for another.

Fast forward four years, and that is where Part Two starts. Emelia is finding herself in a job she doesn’t like and being cheated on by her boyfriend. She applies for a position at Jonathan’s company for one her dream jobs and ends up getting the job on her own merits. Jonathan isn’t even aware that she’s working for his company til their first company meeting.

It’s during this part two where the back and forth kick back between Jonathan and Emelia. While I loved the angst and tension between the two of the, I had a really tough time seeing past more than the lust and attraction. The back and forth is more of an internal battle on both their parts and never getting to know one another past that physical attraction. This is where I struggled. Once things started to move in the right direction, I wanted more.

While I struggled to with the connection, which is a key component in these books, it was the writing that kept me engaged and wanting to see where this story would go. Rachel’s writing is gripping and enthralling, which allows the reader to still love the story. If I felt the connection between Jonathan and Emelia, this would have been a 5 star book, hands-down.

Overall, it was an entertaining and a fairly quick read for me. I am hoping that we get a story about Emelia’s “brothers” in future books.

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