“Sometimes one had to let go of their yesterdays in order to reach their better tomorrows.”
Western Waves was a book that I never knew I needed to read.
WOW. This book was mesmerizing. It was awe-inspiring moving in so many ways. I know fictional books are read so that we as readers can be taken on a journey that will never happen in our own lives. But every once in a while, we come across books that just speak to us in ways we don’t anticipate. Western Waves is one of those books for me.
“Give yourself the same level of love and protection that you give to the people you love.”
Authors write books that are character driven or plot driven. And I am sure that part of this book was one of those two reasons. But I can also say that this book was personal to Brittainy, without even knowing her or asking her. I felt this book in ways I cannot truly explain. This book also spoke to me on a level I had not anticipated nor did I know I needed right now.
Stella and Damian’s story is one about a forced/arranged marriage. They both led very different yet similar lives up until that arranged marriage. They both are closed off in different ways and show their emotions in various ways. Yet one thing lingered behind their walls that was very much the same – HOPE. And not hope in a way most think. It was their own Hope in something they thought was unreachable.
“At least waste your tears on something that matters.”
I enjoyed this story so incredibly much. From the characters, to the story line to the way this book moved me. I want to say so much about this story but don’t want to give anything away. This book must be experienced as you read it. Let the words sink into your soul.
Western Waves is so much more than a story; it’s a poignant and beautiful view on life. Highly, highly recommended read for everyone.
“Yes, it’s easy to love and care within the sun, but real love shows up strongest when the clouds move in and fear is ignited. Real love shows up during the highest of tides, and still, it stays.”

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