Title: The Poet
Series: Samantha Jazz Series #1
Author: Lisa Renee Jones
Release Date: March 9, 2021

New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones brings a fresh, modern take to the thriller genre that will keep you guessing until the very end.
“The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth.” -Jean Cocteau
Some call him friend or boss.
Some call him husband or dad.
Some call him son, even a favorite son.
But the only title that matters to him is the one the media has given him: The Poet.
A name he earned from the written words he leaves behind after he kills that are as dark and mysterious as the reason he chooses his victims.
One word, two, three, a story in a poem, a secret that only Detective Samantha Jazz can solve. Because he’s writing this story for her.
She just doesn’t know it yet.
This title is a standalone that follows a single case. There is no cliffhanger. But the world of Samantha Jazz will continue with The Girl Who Forgot!

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I move on to what I know. “The Poet, an organized killer, a planner. Highly intelligent. Well employed. These types like to appear stable and we’re most likely looking at someone in a circle of family to shelter himself, even convince himself he’s normal. None of this is on paper. And I don’t feel like I have room for error on this one.”
“The Poet?”
“That’s what I’m calling him.”
“Whatever you call him, do you really think he’s a serial killer?”
“I know he’s a serial killer. We just have to find his victims.”
“I’ll get you your profile for peace of mind.”
“Thank you, Wade,” I say, gratitude in my voice.
“Thank me by being careful. If this asshole came after Roberts, you could be next.”
“If Roberts was his type, I am not.”
“Be careful, Detective Jazz,” he says, and this time he uses his best Special Agent Wade Miller voice, the detective title meant to make the “I’m serious” point.
“I am. I called you for a reason. I’m going to get him before he ever has the chance to get me.”
We disconnect a few seconds later and I pull up the poem compilation Chuck put together for me on my MacBook. I gravitate toward the poem The Poet left called “Fate, The Jester.” His message could be in those few lines or in another verse inside the full poem. I read it all slowly, all eight paragraphs, dissecting each one, but I return to the three lines he left in Summer’s mouth:
Who laugh in the teeth of disaster,
Yet hope through the darkness to find
A road past the stars to a Master
A master, a statement that seems to reference superiority and drives home my earlier thoughts. The Poet judged Summer beneath him. Perhaps he judges us all beneath him. He believes he’s above the law, and that’s dangerous to those who come into contact with him.
That means I need to become dangerous to him, and quickly.

The Poet grabbed my attention with the cover and the blurb. The blurb had set my expectations for a suspenseful and twisty thriller, but in turn, it was more of police procedural than anything else. It was not bad, just not what I had anticipated.
A serial killer, nicknamed “The Poet,” is on the loose and leaves behind poems as his signature. Detective Samantha Jazz is called in to take over the case as she has a bit of a background in poems from her college years.
The books flips back and forth between views from both Sam and The Poet. It was interesting to see how Sam takes this case on, digs into things, and tries to figure out who it is. Her “spidey sense” and her process of going through the case file are quite detailed and you can tell that the author did a lot of research in this area to make it more authentic and true to life.
While I enjoyed the book, it was bit a slow, with very little suspense in terms of a thriller. I enjoyed walking through the aspects of how a detective works a case, their nuances and how they piece everything together. There isn’t a lot of action but again – this book was definitely more police procedure and not focused on the killer and his actions.
Overall, it’s a good read and one I enjoyed reading, despite wanting more thriller aspects added in. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones writes dark, edgy fiction including the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series and the upcoming, crime thriller The Poet. Suzanne Todd (producer of Alice in Wonderland and Bad Mom’s) on the INSIDE OUT series: Lisa has created a beautiful, complicated, and sensual world that is filled with intrigue and suspense.
Prior to publishing Lisa owned a multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women’s Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine. She lives in Colorado with her husband, a cat that talks too much, and a Golden Retriever who is afraid of trash bags.
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