
Release Day Blitz & Review…The Wedding Game by Meghan Quinn

TheWeddingGame_FBProfile-availnowbannerThe Wedding Game by Meghan Quinn 

Release Date: March 1st

Genre: Romantic Comedy

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Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3j9yDS8

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Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3pGbdX1



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Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3j9yDS8

Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3jevWPp

Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3pGbdX1



USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn’s latest bauble is the charming story of a crafting queen battling a jaded divorce lawyer on a wedding reality show.

Luna Rossi is a veritable crafting genius—she can bedazzle and bead so hard her Etsy site is one of the hottest in the world. So it’s only natural that Luna would convince her brother and his husband-to-be to compete on The Wedding Game, a “do-it-yourself” TV show, for the title of Top DIY Wedding Expert.

As a jaded divorce lawyer, Alec Baxter scoffs at weddings and romance. But when his recently engaged brother begs him to participate in The Wedding Game, Alec grudgingly picks up a glue gun and prepares for some family bonding.

Both fierce competitors, Luna and Alec clash on national TV as harsh words and glitter fly with abandon. But as they bicker over color swatches and mood boards, they find themselves fighting something else: their growing mutual attraction. While Luna is torn between family loyalty and her own feelings, Alec wonders if he might have been wrong about love and marriage all along…



“Are you ready?” Farrah says, coming from behind me and massaging my shoulders. I move my head side to side while we both hop up and down. “Did you do those finger exercises I told you about?”

I flex my fingers and nod. “Yup, all warmed up.”

“Do you have your game face on?” Farrah spins me around and grips my shoulders as I mean mug it at her. “Ooo, you’ve been practicing in the mirror. I can tell.”

“When I brush my teeth. I really feel like I’ve mastered the scowl.”

“Honey, you mastered the scowl years ago. Now you’re just coming into your own with it.” She holds up her hands, and I start boxing into them as we leap around the apartment. “Quick on your feet, quick on your feet.” Farrah swings her hand at me, and I duck. “Focus, hone your attention.”


“Tell me, who’s going to kill it today?”

“I am.” I bob back and forth and then give Farrah a one-two punch to her hands.

“Who’s going to do anything necessary, even sit on someone’s face if you need to, in order to win today’s challenge?”

“I am. Show no mercy. My ass is coming for your face.”

Farrah pauses, winces. “I’m not sure I like that.”

“Just go with it.”

“Okay, Luna’s ass is coming for your face.” She shrugs. “Next week let’s work on your trash talk.”

“Might be necessary.”

Circling again, I box at Farrah’s hands, feeling light on my feet and ready for anything that comes my way. “You’re going to ignore all conversations from Mr. Snobby Shoes.”

“I don’t even know he exists.”

“Your eyes are on the prize. And what is that prize?”

“Giving Cohen and Declan the best wedding possible.”

“Exactly.” She lowers her palms. “Quick, flash me your hands.”

I lift my hands, and she inspects them carefully.

“You lotioned—good. Nails are clipped to a perfect length, and those fingers are stretched and strong. Rotate your wrists for me.” She lowers her ear to my wrists as I circle them around. “Perfect, no cracking, no tension.” She points to the ground. “Fast feet.”

My feet start bouncing up and down, like in those football movies, and I hold my hands at my hips, ready for the call . . .

“Draw!” Farrah shouts.

I pull my glue gun from my hip and point it at her. “You’ve been glued.”

Farrah claps her hands. “Reaction time was spot on. You’re ready.”


She nods. “You got this, girl. This competition is yours for the taking. And remember what we talked about: don’t focus on what you think will win . . .”

“Focus on what will bring Cohen and Declan joy.”

For anyone who follows my reviews, y’all know Meghan is another author where I will read anything she writes. They may not always be 5 star reads for me, but I love her writing style and won’t not ever read one of her books.

Meghan is also a go-to for me when it comes to rom-coms so grabbing The Wedding Game was an obvious choice. And she did not let me down.

I love the concept behind this story. The Wedding game is actually a show on a DIY network that our characters, Luna and Alec find themselves a part of. They are each helping their brothers create their dream wedding in hopes of winning a penthouse in NYC.

Luna is die-hard crafter and a very good one. She had to deceive her brother into participating because with her abilities, she felt they were a shoe-in. I loved the dynamics between Luna and her brother. It was not only super cute, but extremely beautiful.

Alec is a divorce attorney. He no longer believes in love, let alone marriage. He brother all but begs him to help him out and Alec sees this as an opportunity to fix their relationship.

I enjoyed everything about this book. From the romance, to the family dynamics, to the interactions between everyone. Meghan really knows how to mix the humor with the romance to make it feel natural and neither aspect overpowers the other.

I highly recommend this to any romance lover to read. But if you truly enjoy a good laugh while reading, this is definitely the book for you.

Connect with Meghan:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7360513.Meghan_Quinn

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn

Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/meghan-quinn

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LitE4x

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