
Release Day Blitz & Review….The Change Up by Meghan Quinn


THE CHANGE UP by Meghan Quinn

Release Date: June 11th

Genre: Romantic Comedy

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BREAKING NEWS: The Bad Boy of Baseball, Maddox Paige, is totally and utterly whipped.

Okay, that might not be the headlines in the newspaper this morning, but it’s the reality of my current situation.

It all started a month ago when I received a call from my best friend, Kinsley. She got a new job in Chicago and needed a place to stay. I’ve known the girl since I was five, what harm would it be to have her stay at my place for a while?

Ha! Total disaster.

Now instead of going out every night with my teammates, I’m couch surfing and sketching endless photos of my best friend . . . but that’s the least of my concerns.

The disaster, you ask? I’m rapidly falling head over cleats in love with my best friend, my roommate, and my number one fan.

And she has no idea . . .




Have you ever said something you regret?
Something you haven’t forgotten about an hour later?
Something that sits with you, stews deep in your belly, and then seeps into your bones, burying itself so far into your marrow that all you can think about is the one thing you said . . . and how you wished you could take it back the minute it slipped past your lips?
That’s where I am.
Full of regret.
People always say, “Don’t regret anything. It’s what makes you who you are.” That was said in a whiney, nasally voice. Did you hear it?
Well, those people, the ones trying to spew rainbows and sunshine up your ass about blatant mistakes . . . yeah, they’re only saying that because they fuck up on a daily basis.
Think about it, what REAL person is okay with all their regrets? No one. There is always that one thing you did, that one time, that you will always, always, always think . . . “What if I’d done that differently?”
It keeps you up at night.
You wonder, what transformed, what took over my brain, to utter such words. To alter your life completely and send it down an entirely different course.
Yeah, my life has been fucking altered all right.
Everything was fine.
I was pitching one hell of a fucking season for the Rebels, my ride or die team. I was getting along with my teammates, even the infamous Cory Potter, who made a splash after last season. I’ll hand it to the man, he really is the boss. I was getting laid whenever I wanted, which is always a plus for a guy who has massive amounts of adrenaline pumping through him daily, especially on a pitching day. And there were no strings attached.
Yeah, I might have a rotation of women I call, but any single player in the major leagues does. You need the outlet. Even the prestigious Cory Potter had some booty call numbers before he found Natalie.
I was living a great life, and then it all changed. And it changed fucking fast.
Before I knew it, I was staring into my fridge at dairy products not made from a cow, but rather from oat. What the fuck is that? Oat milk? Explain to me where an oat has a goddamn nipple.
My toothbrush is made from bamboo, which gives off a very woody, splintery taste, and I’ve been using toothpaste tablets instead of paste from a tube . . . because apparently, tubes suck up life in the landfill.
The eco-friendly toilet paper in my apartment disintegrates in my hand and is worthless, making bathroom breaks a fucking nightmare.
And there’s a goddamn three-legged dog in a suit and tie sitting on my couch that goes by the name Herman, or Hermy for short.
I don’t have any privacy, I don’t even remember what meat tastes like anymore, and “Hermy” has a goddamn staring problem. And the three-legged motherfucker, yeah, he’s stealthy. I find him waiting for me outside the shower . . . staring.
When I wake up . . . staring.
When I’m trying to make a goddamn tempeh sandwich . . . staring.
Every time I tell him to “get a life” or to “fuck off” or for the love of Christ “get a new hobby”, he doesn’t even bat an eyelash.
He just stares!
I can’t fucking take it anymore.
I’m losing my goddamn mind and I don’t know . . . maybe it’s because I haven’t had sex in what feels like forever, or because my burgers are now made of imposter “meat”, or maybe because I’m forced to do things I don’t want to do. Either way, something needs to give, because I’m pretty sure from all the vegan shit I’ve been eating, my armpits are just about ready to spring their own mung beans.
One phone call.
That’s all it took.
One fucking phone call from a person I cannot say no to, a person who will forever and always be . . . my insanely beautiful and free-spirited best friend.

The Change Up is a really sweet sports romance by Meghan Quinn. This one caught be by surprise as I was expecting more humor (it is Meghan Quinn writing this and she is my queen for romantic comedies) and this one had the humor but it was definitely not at the forefront of this story.

Maddox Paige is known to all as the Badboy of Baseball. He’s constantly defending his teammates on the field with his fists and has no qualms about it. He’s a great ballplayer, true friend but keeps to himself most of the time.

Kinsley is Maddox’s best friend since they were kids. They have been through everything together and even when Maddox was called up to the big league, she has continued to be his biggest cheerleader. They may be further apart in physical distance, but they remained just as close as when they were kids.

Kinsley is offered a job of a lifetime for her but she doesn’t have the funds to support the move to Chicago. In steps Maddox offering up his place to share with her until she can afford her own place and is settled in at her new job.

Meghan delivers a very real and life-like picture of two friends growing in their relationship in an organic way at a natural pace. Readers will easily see the connection between Maddox and Paige even though they are complete opposites. It’s their encouragement of one another and support they show that adds depth to their friendship.

Maddox was a surprise for me because he has so much more depth than I expected. He truly won me over as the book progressed. Kinsley is probably one of the sweetest and loveable characters I have read and has this heart of gold that shines through everything she does.

The Change Up is a friends to lovers sports romance that will have readers loving these characters so much. I loved seeing Corey and Jason as secondary characters in here and their interactions definitely added the humor to this book. I am so looking forward to Lincoln’s book next!!

About the Author:

USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.


Connect with Meghan:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7360513.Meghan_Quinn

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn

Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/meghan-quinn

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LitE4x

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