I read the first book this series and went no further (many reasons on why). When I was given the option review this book since it was a standalone within the series, I figured I would give it a go.
First off – I definitely wouldn’t recommend reading this book without reading the prior ones. The Brayshaw boys are too connected to be left out of each other’s stories and that proves true in this book. Yes, this book evolves around Captain mostly, but you need to have an understanding of their dynamics to know why. As for Victoria, it’s just as though she is there out of nowhere (obviously introduced in early book) and it felt like I was thrown into a story that had already started and was playing catchup as I read along.
As for the story itself, once I felt like I had somewhat of an understanding as to how Victoria fit in, things began to make more sense and the story got more interesting. It’s definitely a slow buildup plot and things unravel at a decent pace most of the time. There is one particular thing that I felt was built for no reason because the outcome was somewhat of a letdown. (If you wish to know what, they’re hidden as a spoiler on my review on goodreads).
The tension between Victoria and Captain was another addition to the plot. While I can’t say there was any love between them, there was definitely lust. They both challenged one another so that push and pull added to things but I was not sold on them being together for love. But they definitely make things hot even when they are tangoing between the sheets. So that’s a plus.
Overall, while there were parts that annoyed me and there was parts that I really enjoyed. It was good enough for me to finish, even though lit took longer than normal. Those who read the first three books and loved them, I have no doubt will love this one. Those who haven’t read the books at all, may be a tad confused at the beginning but should stick it through and finish it because it’s an entertaining read, even if there’s a lot of drawn out angst and overused dramatics.
Will I read the next one?? More than likely because these boys are entertaining.
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