
The Hunter by L.J. Shen….Excerpt & Review

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“The queen of enemies-to-lovers strikes again. I devoured every page, hooked on the sizzling chemistry between Hunter and Sailor. A ten star read.” –Parker S. Huntington, Wall Street Journal bestselling author

The Hunter, an all-new compelling and must-read contemporary romance from USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen is available now!


Boston’s debauched elite is going up in flames, and it’s the Fitzpatrick family that set it on fire.


I didn’t mean to star in a sex tape, okay?

It was just one of those unexplainable things. Like Stonehenge, Police Academy 2, and morning glory clouds.

It just happened.

Now my ball-busting father is sentencing me to six months of celibacy, sobriety, and morbid boredom under the roof of Boston’s nerdiest girl alive, Sailor Brennan.

The virginal archer is supposed to babysit my ass while I learn to take my place in Royal Pipelines, my family’s oil company.

Little does she know, that’s not the only pipe I’ll be laying…


I didn’t want this gig, okay?

But the deal was too sweet to walk away from.

I needed the public endorsement; Hunter needed a nanny.

Besides, what’s six months in the grand scheme of things?

It’s not like I’m in danger of falling in love with the appallingly gorgeous, charismatic gazillionaire who happens to be one of Boston’s most eligible bachelors.

No. I will remain immune to Hunter Fitzpatrick’s charm.

Even at the cost of losing everything I have.

Even at the cost of burning down his kingdom.


Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

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“Why?” I asked, blinking at him in confusion. I had two left legs and the coordination of roadkill. I couldn’t dance if my life depended on it. I’d tried dancing at the only party I’d ever gone to—sophomore year—and was subjected to such thorough humiliation. People took videos of me dancing and forwarded it to half my school. Saggy Sailor, they’d graffiti-ed on my locker. Apparently, my back looked hunched and droopy when I danced.
“Because…” He tilted his chin down, his voice low, smoldering. “You’re obviously bored, and my family is watching us, and I’m partial to fondling you.”
“It’s the dress,” I muttered.
“I’d actually prefer fondling you out of it.”
I sliced my gaze sideways, noticing that Aisling and Persy hadn’t picked up on my exchange with him. They were now watching a video, probably of the reality show they were arguing about. Even though Hunter was just after a friendly dance to show his family we were getting along, I couldn’t unglue my butt from my chair.
“No fondling.” I crossed my arms over my chest, buying time.
“No promises. Get up.”
“Did you tell anyone we live together?” I accused, my eyes narrowing into slits.
He stared at me, wide-eyed, mouth parted. “Negatory.”
“Did you tell anyone we were dating?”
“This is the lamest twenty-questions game I’ve ever participated in. No.
“Well, people are talking about us.”
“That’s what people do. They fill the air with useless words to entertain each other. It’s called gossip, and it sucks all the asses in the world. Doesn’t mean it was me. Our building employs more than a hundred people. All of them work for my father. That means he’s spreading whatever the hell he wants to spread.”

The Hunter is the first standalone contemporary romance in Shen’s newest series, Boston Belles. And she truly started this series off with a two-bunch and kept things moving at a high-pace octane.

L.J. Shen really knows how to write entertaining and quirky characters. Hunter and Sailor could not be any more opposite if they tried. Sailor keeps to herself and has always focused solely on her archery. Hunter lives in his life in the spot life and has no problems with all the attention he gets.

Hunter is the epitome of the classic playboy with broken pieces hidden on the inside. He keeps everything closed off and keeps people far enough away that they never see the pain he feels. Hunter puts on a great façade with his playboy antics and his “don’t give two shits’ mentality because he can get away with anything – well almost anything. When a sex tape gets out – that is the final nail in his coffin.

Sailor has been training harder and harder to make the Olympics’ Archery team. She’s never really cared for a social life and has truly only had 2 best friends her whole life. Her life has always been her family, her two friends and archery.

And now Sailor is Hunter’s only hope to prove to his father that he’s not just some playboy. Sailor wants nothing to do with Hunter and he does not make it easy to forget that he is around. I love the banter between these two so much. They are complete polar opposites in every single thing. But they force each other outside their norms without realizing it. They also gradually see and learn how to adapt to one another in ways they never anticipated.

The Hunter is an amazing enemies to lovers romance. Shen does a phenomenal job of showing that not all attraction has to be immediate and it can be something that is gradual as you get to know a person; their inner beauty can truly shine outwards.

Shen truly sets this series up perfectly with The Hunter. The story of Hunter of Sailor is written extremely well and Shen litters the other characters and their attributes perfectly without taking away from the main story. I cannot wait to see who’s story is next.


About LJ Shen
L.J. Shen is a USA Today, Washington Post and Amazon #1 best-selling author of contemporary, New Adult and YA romance. Her books have been sold to twenty different countries.
She lives in California with her husband, son, cat and eccentric fashion choices, and enjoys good wine, bad reality TV shows and catching sun rays with her lazy cat.

Connect with L.J. Shen

Facebook: http://bit.ly/2OhSvp1

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2yhgPBx

Instagram: http://bit.ly/2AIOiTo

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2oMbFsu

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Website: http://www.authorljshen.com/

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