
Sweet Retribution by Siobhan Davis….Excerpt & Review

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Sweet Retribution, the stunning conclusion to the Rydeville High Elite Series from USA Today bestselling author Siobhan Davis, is available now!


The good thing about hitting rock bottom is I’ve nothing left to lose, and the only way is up.

He thinks he’s destroyed me. Broken me beyond repair.

But he always underestimates women.

All he’s done is reinforced my resolve. I won’t stop until justice prevails and he gets what’s coming to him.

Kaiden is the only light in the darkness. He gives me the strength to continue fighting for the future we both crave—a world where we are free to love one another and make our own choices.

Until then, the charade must continue.

Game on.

This concludes Abby and Kai’s romance. 106k words, full-length novel. This is a dark romance, and some scenes may be triggering. Only recommended to readers aged eighteen and older.


Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2AYKq0o

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Start the series today with Cruel Intentions!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2WHTYti

Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/CruelIntentions

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A chorus of agreement rings out around the room as everyone, unanimously, confirms their support.

Adrenaline courses through my veins, and I just know this is it.

The pivotal moment where everything changes.

Where the power shifts and the people in this room are primed to take back control.

I cast a glance over everyone again, and powerful emotion swims up my throat. Before, the guys were fond of tossing out sentiments that they would kill for me or take a bullet for me, and I was skeptical. Especially when everyone in this room has betrayed me in some way.

But that’s in the past.

Because I look at them now, and I know it’s the truth.

I know they are in this with me.

That they want this as badly as me, and they will do whatever it takes to help me reclaim control over my life.

It’s a surreal feeling.

To know I have such a formidable group of guys standing behind me, watching my back, and supporting my decisions. The feeling of empowerment is incredible. Indescribable. And exactly what I need to get me through the weeks and months ahead. It’s not going to be easy, especially the part I have designated to play. But I know I’m up for the challenge with my crew at my side.

We will make it happen.

This time, the bastard is going down.

And there will be no getting back up.


I am not a fan of the bully romance genre, but and this is a BIG BUT, I am a fan of Siobhan Davis and wanted to give this genre a chance with her. I thoroughly enjoyed and loved the first two books and was anxiously awaiting this one to see how Kai and Abby’s story ends. In the end, this definitely veered off the path of bully romance and more into the dark romance aspect but still didn’t wow like me the first two.

I am not sure where it happened in this book, but at some point, everything started to feel repetitive and annoying to me. Abby’s reactions to Kai (the need to constantly to have sex with him) or the twists and turns within the story that were to be shocking but just felt forced to keep the story alive or possibly the ignorance of so many secondary characters just became obnoxiously annoying. I really don’t know and I struggled to finish this one.

I love Siobhan and her ability to create worlds that are unique with characters that are fierce and strong. And she does with this series but in this particular book, I felt things shift and characteristics were not the same. Now that may have been what Siobhan wanted (her characters to grow and change because of their circumstances) but I had at least expected them to maintain the majority of who they were from the start.

So what such a drastic change from books one and two to this one for me??? I think the shock factors became too over the top and too much for me. I have always said that Siobhan does not write for sheer shock value and writes because it fits the story. But even I have my limit of when it just becomes too much drama for one couple to endure. Maybe if this all this happened and it was through different characters, I would feel differently. But it didn’t and therefore, just felt that most was written for shock value, which saddens me.

Does Siobhan deliver an angsty, dramatic and intense story?? Yes. Many of those who have loved the first two books will gobble this one up too. It is exciting, fast-paced and action-pack drama from page one. But for me, far too many things became repetitive and it lost it’s edge for me.

I hate being in the minority on books, but I will always be upfront and honest on books that I read. I also hate that this book didn’t live up to the first two for me. However, I am excited to see what happens in the future with this series. Siobhan has given us a lot of characters that I am hoping to see get future books and see how things pan out there.

About Siobhan

USA Today bestselling author Siobhan Davis writes emotionally intense young adult and new adult romantic fiction with swoon-worthy romance, complex characters, and tons of unexpected plot twists and turns that will have you flipping the pages beyond bedtime! She is the author of the international bestselling Kennedy Boys, Saven, and True Calling series’.

Siobhan’s family will tell you she’s a little bit obsessive when it comes to reading and writing, and they aren’t wrong. She can rarely be found without her trusty Kindle, a paperback book, or her laptop somewhere close at hand.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in human resource management.

She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.

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  1. Fabulously reviewed Court!! Sorry it wasn’t a better read. Shared on my socials!👍💝😉💖💋

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