
Cover Reveal…Six Weeks of Loving You by Karli Perrin


Today we have an exciting cover reveal for Six Weeks of Loving You by Karli Perrin!

Releases: September 17th

This is an epic tale of love, friendship and second chances.


Add it to your Goodreads TBR here – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46416823-six-weeks-of-loving-you


The news reporters called it a disaster.

The doctors called it a miracle.

I could still walk. I could still talk. I could still remember every little detail about the train crash.

Until I couldn’t.

Six weeks later, I lost my memory.

I woke up believing that it was the morning of the accident.

Six weeks after that, it happened again.

I have retrograde amnesia. I’ve damaged a part of my brain which allows me to recall the recent past. In other words, I have an extremely limited short-term memory – six weeks to be exact.

The train derailed eighteen months ago.

I’ve relived that morning twelve times.

When I meet Spencer Hale, I put up a huge fight.

I won’t let him in. I can’t let him in. But with each day that passes, my walls begin to come down.

I get one step closer to loving him.

And one step closer to losing him.

Welcome to the train wreck that is my life.



Author Links
Instagram – @karliperrinauthor
Twitter – @karli_perrin


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