
Release Day Blitz & Review…Depraved by Eva Charles



Title: Depraved
Series: The Devil’s Duet #1
Author: Eva Charles
Genre: Dark Romance/Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 21, 2019
I’m the devil’s spawn.
The son of evil incarnate.
The heir to corruption and depravity. 
Gabrielle Duval once belonged to me. And whether she likes
it or not, she’s destined to be mine again. What will it take to lure this
luscious woman back into my bed? A deal with the devil himself, of course.
My name is JD Wilder, and this is the story of how I reclaim
what’s mine.  
Visit Eva’s Facebook Page 
for a special release giveaway

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Depraved is my first Eva Charles book and WOW – Eva, you won me over with this one!!

I picked this one completely on the blurb alone – that’s all I was given in the email – no author name, just the blurb and the title. I was all in based on that. And I am so glad that I took the chance on this one.

Depraved is a well written second chance romance with added suspense. Eva does a great job of giving us the background on Gabrielle and JD but leaves a mystery to parts of their past and what caused them to go different ways.

JD is a tricky character. He’s a bit of dick but I think that’s all a front, at least when it comes to Gabrielle. There’s definitely some things going on in his life that we are trying to work but he’s got this hard-on for Gabrielle that he can’t let go. He has these moments where he just lets go and the man behind this façade is a total 180 of what he allows everyone else to see.

Gabrielle definitely holds her own, but at times gets a little too soft with JD. Don’t get me wrong, she has no problems calling him out on his shit, but she lets him get away with too much and allows their past to muddle the present. I love that she didn’t allow the past to swallow her up and become this willowy flower; she flourished and knows her worth.

Overall, I loved this book and the start of this of what I am assuming is a duet (forgive me if I am wrong). The writing flowed beautifully and Eva does a magnificent job of blending the suspense with the romance. I love the secondary characters as they add more to the story without taking anything away at the same time.

Depraved leaves dangling by a thread at the end with so many unanswered questions and honestly, I love that. Eva has my mind going in so many directions, I cannot wait to see where this story goes and what new secrets are revealed.

Coming Soon
Releasing March 21, 2019
Author Bio
A confirmed city-girl, Eva moved to rural Western
Massachusetts in 2014. She found herself living in the woods with no job, no
friends (unless you count the turkey, deer, and coyote roaming the backyard),
and no children underfoot, wondering what on earth she had been thinking. But
as it turned out, it was the perfect setting to take all those yarns spinning
in her head and weave them into steamy love stories. 
A romantic at heart, Eva looks forward to date night all
week. The perfect evening includes well-crafted cocktails, a fabulous perfume,
Cherry Garcia ice cream, and her husband, of course. If you add good friends,
live jazz, and impossible shoes, she will follow you anywhere.
Eva holds a BA from Boston College, and a JD from the
Washington College of Law. She spent a career working in domestic violence,
child abuse and neglect, and civil rights. Aspects of this work often find
their way into her books.
When she’s not writing sexy stories, trying to squeeze
information out of her tight-lipped sons, or playing with the two cutest dogs
you’ve ever seen, Eva’s creating chapters in her own love story.
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