
It’s our 6th Birthday Celebration!


Wow… WE’RE SIX! 

Can you believe it?  I know we sure can’t!

It’s been an amazing six years and we wouldn’t be here without all of YOU and to celebrate we’ve got some great giveaways for you!  You can enter as many of the giveaways as you’d like 🙂

 And, to the authors, fans, friends, PR companies, and fellow bloggers we’ve met along the way: Thank you all so very much for six incredible years and here’s to many more to come!


The Read-Love-Blog Gals

(and if you’re interested, check out our very special, very fitting, first post from November 14, 2012 HERE)


$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway:

Four $25 Amazon Gift Cards Giveaways:

Five Ebooks (winner’s choice) Giveaways:

Five Surprise SIGNED books Giveaways:



  1. Beatrice LaRocca says

    Happy Blog Birthday, Read, Love Blog!

  2. Kathleen Bylsma says

    Congratulations and thank you for your hard work!

  3. Kathy Valentine says

    Congrats on 6 years of awesome reviews and posts!!! ReasOnabLReasOnab-blog. Is my favorite blog!!! I love all the ladies from jillian to court to Shannon to Emily to Stacey to tiffany and to rina!!! Here’s to 6 more years of awesome reviews and posts!!! Love you all !!!💓💖👍😉

  4. Tammy Faris says

    Congratulations!!! Happy Happy Anniversary/Birthday!!! 🎉🎊🎈🍾

  5. Laura Lovejoy Brunk says

    Happy Birthday ! Shared and fingers crossed xxx

  6. Kathy Davis says

    Yay! Thank you so much

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