Cover Design: Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Goodbye, Kate is a thrilling, unpredictable ride ~ Heather, White Hot Reads
Deception, action, drama, angst, and love ~ Stephanie, Goodreads Reviewer
Truly phenomenal read! ~ Michelle, One Click Aholics

I have read previous books by Nicola before but not in the romantic suspense genre. I was a bit hesitant as to how this would play out as I have high expectations for romantic suspense (I.e. Aleatha Romig, Keri Lake). Nicola definitely surprised me with this one with the potential to become even better.
Goodbye, Kate is a rollercoaster ride of action and drama. There is a lot going on in this story, so you have to pay close attention to what you are reading. Nicola starts this book off running and truly doesn’t let up in anyway. For some, this will be a problem as it may be too much going on and become cumbersome and for others it will just help drive that suspense and action.
Nicola drops a lot of twists and turns in this book, keeping readers on their toes the entire time. While I was able to figure out some, I enjoyed how the plot twists came to fruition and played out. Nicola holds nothing back in her scenes and doesn’t play down the environment that this is set in – she gives you the action and crime you suspect to happen.
As for the characters, while I personally couldn’t connect to either, Nicola did an amazing job of making them authentic in their actions and characteristics. I love that she had Lincoln questioning himself at times when he acted out of character and I really loved that she did not make Kate out to be some damsel in distress.
Overall, I have to say that this was an enjoyable read. While I do have high expectations in this genre, Nicola definitely tackled this genre well and I can see a lot of potential for growth from her and really making her mark in romantic suspense.

Great cover and synopsis and giveaway too!! Shared on all my socials!!