
Heartless by Willow Winters…Release Day Blitz & Review


Title: Heartless
Series: Merciless Saga #2
Author: Willow Winters
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 17, 2018
At first, his words were harsh and his touch cold.
I knew he was a dangerous man and he could destroy me if
only he wanted to.
That’s not what he wanted though. 
It’s so easy to get lost in the touch of a man who’s
powerful and unattainable. 
A man who wants for nothing … except me.
Soft touches and stolen glances made my blood heat and my
heart beat in a way I never knew it could.
Yes, it’s easy to fall into a haze of lust and desire.
But there’s a reason his reputation is one of a heartless
And I should have known better.


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* review contains strong language *


If you read my review of Heartless (first book), you know that I hated Carter with every fiber of my being. And I still do. HA! I actually think Willow made me hate him even more, if that were possible.

So why the four stars if I loathe a main character so much???

I can’t connect to him in an emotional way. I know I am totally in the minority on this one, but I really struggle to see any good in him. Even as we get glimpses of what his past was like – it still does not excuse for the horrific ways he treats Aria. His actions and what he does – I just have a hard time understanding his reasoning for everything. He doesn’t care for her – she brings him pleasure and is a pawn in this war

Aria is a tortured young woman who has no idea what the fuck to think or do. Carter has her so messed up, that she does things because she knows it’s what he wants and it prevents her from getting punished. How can she love a man who treats her like a fucktoy and nothing more?? When she is upset, he soothes her by giving her pleasure. Uhhh…not exactly how you treat someone that you want to stand by your side. I mean hey – the scenes are hot as hell and Aria enjoys the hell out of it (which she herself finds fucked up). But no, I just don’t get it.

So again – why did I rate this 4 stars if I have such an issue with pretty much the main plot??

This is where my fucked up mind comes into play. While I do not give two shits about Cater, what I find intriguing is Aria. She herself sees how demented and fucked up the whole situation is. It is her inner strength that has me loving this book – in different ways, she defies Cater and I love it. She pushes him and makes him do things he normally wouldn’t do. It is her feistiness and refusal to give in completely that keeps me coming back.

Yea – my feelings on Carter may be in the complete minority on this but it is Aria who has me loving this story so much. I can’t wait to see what Willow brings us in the next book because that ending has me going, “HELL YEA BITCHES!!!”

Also Available


Coming Soon

Releasing September 4, 2018



Author Bio

Willow Winters is so happy to be a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance Author. She likes her action hot and her bad boys hotter. She certainly doesn’t hold back on either one in her writing!Willow started writing after having her little girl, Evie, December 2015. All during her pregnancy with Evie she continued to read and she only wanted to read romance. She was reading a book a day — sometimes two.

In January 2016 Willow was staying up late with Evie and just thinking of all these stories. They came to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it so she figured, why not? Today Willow cannot be happier for making that decision!


  1. Awesome review court!!! Loved it doll !! Shared on all my socials!!

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