
Release Day Blitz…Lucky Scars by Kerry Heavens

Title: Lucky Scars
Author: Kerry Heavens
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 3, 2018



Not every love story begins with a fiery explosion of lust.
Some are tiny embers of hope that smoulder slowly until the stars align…

I’d been living in a bubble.
It was meant to protect me from the things in life that hurt.
I could live, I could laugh, but at least I didn’t have to love.
Loving was dangerous and I would never do it again.

It was working just fine, until the bubble burst.
It let in danger.
It let in light.
It let in…him.

Unknowingly I’d been living in the dark, feeling my way.
He filled my world with starlight.
He showed me how to move on to the next level.
He made me feel again.

I thought the wounds from the past would never fully heal,
But perhaps they only heal when the time is right.

Sometimes you just have to thank your lucky scars.

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…You can read Part 1 of Chapter 1 on Life of a Bookworm’s blog and part 2 at The Literary Gossip…

I prepared myself to deliver those exact words when he turned to me, his smile much more contrite, and said, “I’m so sorry. You must think I’m a real arsehole.” He looked uncomfortable, regretful, making me feel guilty for thinking exactly what he assumed I was thinking. “It’s just that we were ordering the same exact thing, and well…I wanted a chance to introduce myself.”
He politely offered me his hand, which I took because that’s just what you do, even if you’re completely closed down inside. “Jonathan,” he grinned, “and I’m not an arsehole, honestly.”
The grin was disarming, or maybe it was because he’d cranked up the sex-fog again; I couldn’t tell. Either way, I smiled back involuntarily and introduced myself. “Bea.”
“B? What does that stand for?” his perfect forehead wrinkled.
“It’s short for Beatrix,” I told him, cursing my politeness.
“Oh Bea!” he said, elongating the syllable. “I get it. Sorry, I’m not too sharp until I get my coffee.” Another disarming grin shot my way. “It’s nice to meet you, Bea. I haven’t seen you in here before; do you work around here?”
I nodded reluctantly. “Yep, just around the corner. I’m in here every day.” Not that you would recognise me, since usually I’m invisible to the likes of you.
“Hmm. Just goes to prove that I need my coffee before my brain starts functioning properly. I’ve massively dropped the ball if you’ve been in here before and I haven’t noticed you. Please accept my utmost under-caffeinated apologies.”
I struggled not to roll my eyes as I moved forward and took my place at the other end of the counter to wait for my coffee. “Apologies are really not necessary, honestly,” I assured him dismissively. “I blend in. That’s how I like it.”
“I beg to differ,” he said, catching up with me and casually placing his hand against the small of my back, guiding me to a less crowded waiting spot. The sensation was so surprising to me, I almost fell over. I had to take a step away so that I could think straight.
“Blending in implies average,” he smiled disarmingly. “And I assure you, you are far from average.”
Oh Lord, I thought, recovering my wits. It was all bullshit, of course; I was in here every day in my normal clothes, and he had never so much as looked my way. But damn, he was going all out, and I didn’t really know how to handle it. I just about managed to refrain from calling him out on it because, as my assistant Mel, would say, I’d look like the frosty bitch I am.
I’d told her time and time again that the frosty bitch works for me because I do not have time to date, but she’s under the impression that one can simply make time. As if! I started a gaming company four years ago—alone—which was never my intention, and we produced three of the top ten free gaming apps of last year. Worldwide. I have zero personal life, and that’s exactly the way I want it. The frosty bitch defences are necessary, trust me.
Plus, really, who wanted a thirty-five-year-old career gamer girl whose high score is always going to come first?
I looked up at him because I realised he had been silent for as long as I’d been self-justifying.
He kept smiling, all confidence.
“You’re beautiful,” he said like it was the most normal thing in the world.



London born indie author, iPhone addict & general ray of sunshine! Kerry writes: sometimes sweet, sometimes not, often funny, always hot, real romance, dirty romcoms and other such smut.


Website: http://www.kerryheavens.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerryheavensauthor

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7092719.Kerry_Heavens
Book+Main Bites: https://bookandmainbites.com/Kerryheavens



  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Beautiful cover!!Shared on all my socials!!

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