
Tall, Dark & Charming by Erika Wilde…Release Day Event




Tall, Dark and Charming, an all-new sexy standalone from Erika Wilde, is now LIVE!

Aiden Stone loves life as a bachelor and has no intentions of settling down anytime soon. He has a great job and a career he enjoys, and women adore him . . . except for Daisy Parker, who doesn’t seem fazed by his flirtatious attempts or the sexy smile that normally has panties dropping to the floor. She’s a tougher nut to crack, but the fact that she seems immune to his charm only fascinates him more . . . until one hot unexpected encounter with her blows his mind and gives them both more than just a night of pleasure. Because Daisy is now his baby momma, and his life is about to change in ways he’d never anticipated.



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Meet Erika Wilde

Erika Wilde (aka Janelle Denison) is the USA Today bestselling author of over 50 contemporary romances for multiple print publishers.

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  1. Awesome cover!! Shared on all my socials!!

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