
***IMPORTANT*** Privacy Policy Update

Updated privacy policy:

Read-Love-Blog does not collect any information from viewers unless you yourself opt in to subscribe to the Read-Love-Blog email blog post updates or follow Read-Love-Blog through WordPress. Those emails are the only emails Read-Love-Blog sends and the only list you can subscribe to. Subscription to that list is controlled by you and you can unsubscribe at any time or manage your subscription options when an email is sent to you (see graphic below for info on how to unsubscribe or update your settings).

If you subscribe to Read-Love-Blog’s email blog post updates, information provided will only be used to send an email when a blog post has been posted on Read-Love-Blog. Read-Love-Blog does not provide any information to third parties.

Please be aware that if you click through any link on this site, you are subject to that site’s privacy policy. Read-Love-Blog is not responsible for data collection or web content of third party sites or how they conduct their privacy practices. If you have concerns regarding another site, do not submit any personal information to them before you familiarize yourself with their privacy policies.

This privacy policy was updated May 2018


If you wish to unsubscribe from the blog post update emails, please reference this graphic to see where to find the unsubscribe button in the next email you receive from Read-Love-Blog:



  1. shared on all my socials!

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