
Burn So Good by JH Croix…Blog Tour with Review

Today we have the blog tour for BURN SO GOOD by J.H. Croix! Check out the release day festivities and be sure to grab your copy!

Title: Burn So Good

Author: J.H. Croix

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Burn So Good:


Life isn’t fair. I know that lesson well.

I said goodbye to Caleb ten years ago.

The boy I once loved is man now—a rugged, s*xy as h*ll man.

As a hotshot firefighter, he’s all about saving others.

Life ripped us apart, stealing more than I could’ve imagined.

Time didn’t heal all of my wounds, and time never let me forget what we once had.

Once again, he comes to my rescue.

This time, I’m running from a different set of demons.

Maybe this time we have a second chance.



Fire burns hot and bright. It can destroy everything.

Just like it destroyed what I had with Ella.

What comes out of the ashes is stronger than ever.

Ella meant everything to me once upon a time.

We were young and foolish when tragedy tore us apart.

She went running, and I was too torn up to chase after her and make it right.

They say time heals all wounds.

Some things never die, and the fire between us burns hotter than ever.

I’ll do anything to keep her safe, to make her mine.

Get Your Copy Today!




Ella and Caleb-my heart breaks for these two in the beginning and yours will as well. Hit with tragedy at a young age, these two high school sweethearts find their way back to each other after years have passed. Ella, who has run away from the town that holds so many bad memories, moves back only to find herself literally being saved by Caleb. I liked how the book has introduced us to this small town and group of friends making it easy to read as a standalone book. I believe those who are looking for a hot new series will adore this one. Full of drama, passion, and love…there is nothing not to like.

It took me a while to read this one but that is a good thing. I felt it was a slow paced read when necessary and fast paced when it was really wanted! It was full of background stories that keep you engaged and as a reader you get to know Ella and Caleb’s story before it even begins. Great choice for series lovers.

About the Author:

USA Today Bestselling Author J. H. Croix lives in a small town in the historical farmlands of Maine with her husband and two spoiled dogs. Croix writes steamy contemporary romance with strong independent women and rugged alpha men who aren’t afraid to show some emotion. Her love for quirky small-towns and the characters that inhabit them shines through in her writing. Take a walk on the wild side of romance with her bestselling novels!

Connect with J.H.:

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  1. Awesome cover!!! Great blurb and teasers too!! Shared on all my socials!!

  2. Željka Ranković says

    Beautiful cover and amazing teasers. I like the review!

  3. Joanne B says

    Thanks for that great review. Sounds fantastic. Can’t wait to read it.

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