
Archives for May 4, 2018

Cover Reveal… One Baby Daddy by Meghan Quinn

      “What are you doing now that your team is out of the running for the Stanley Cup?” Forget. I need to forget. I need an escape. Only one person isn’t falling for my reputation as the NHL’s Golden Boy; she captured my attention the minute she called me out for snooping through […]

Cover Reveal…Crazy Hot Love by K.L. Grayson

  Title: Crazy Hot Love A Dirty Dicks Standalone Novel Author: K.L. Grayson Genre: Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Kari March Designs Release Date: May 22, 2018 Blurb Claire Daniels is good at a lot of things, but dating isn’t one of them. Although she enjoys men of all different shapes, colors, and sizes, she has […]

The Greatest Risk by Kristen Ashley…Review, Excerpt, and Giveaway

Synopsis: A woman unable to connect, struggling to hide another part of her. A man burning to learn her truth, and make her whole. Through explosive passion and deep exploration, they are about to take the greatest risk of all. But will they be able to take that leap, and come out on the other […]

Bro Code by Kendall Ryan…Blog Tour & Review

        From New York Times bestselling author Kendall Ryan comes a flirty new standalone about falling for your older brother’s best friend. There’s pretty much only one rule when you’re a guy. Don’t be a douche. Turns out, the fastest way to break that rule is to fall for your best friend’s […]