
Back In The Game by Meghan Quinn…Release Day Blitz & Review




Single dad and hockey star, Calder Weiss has put his love life on the back burner for the past five years, raising his daughter and keeping up with the demands of his profession.

But all that changes the minute Rachel Perry runs into him in the most unlikely of places, right outside the men’s bathroom. Vibrant and enchanting, she captures his attention, making it impossible for him to walk away without scoring her number.

Their connection is immediate, their attraction palpable, and their relationship undeniable. But Rachel isn’t the only girl in Calder’s life which scares him, because Calder’s daughter already lost her mother. He doesn’t want Shea to lose someone close to her again, making Rachel’s task of breaking through Calder’s wall that much more difficult.




I had the pleasure of reading Back In The Game when it was part of the anthology, Team Player. And I enjoyed is just as much the second time around as I did the first time I read it.

This was very quick, sweet and funny read. I am not fan of insta-love, but again, when written properly, I can look past that and enjoy the book and get caught up in the magic – and that was the case with this book.

Calder is hockey player and a single dad. His daughter is his world and his dedication to her is amazing. That alone won me over.

Rachel was a hoot. She’s a school teacher and her personality fits that. She’s a bubbly woman who takes things in strides.

The camaraderie between Calder and Rachel is what made this story so easy to enjoy and love. Meghan has this knack for making her characters so real and relatable. Not only did these two have a great chemistry, but their banter was great. And I have to say is text messages – these were a perfect addition to this story.

If you have never read Meghan’s books before (what rock are you hiding under??!), this will be the perfect book to see her funny side of writing.

If you have read Meghan before, you will love this book just as much as her others.




Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.

Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.

Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!

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  1. Another awesome review court!! Love this cover,yummie!! Shared on all my socials!!

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