
Blood Type by K.A. Linde…Blog Tour & Review





A startling new vision of paranormal romance: When a human ventures into the world of vampires—a decadent milieu of blood-bonds and betrayal—she discovers that not all is what it seems.

For Reyna Carpenter, giving up her body isn’t a choice. It’s survival.

In a civilization laid waste by poverty and desperation, Reyna accepts a high-paying position with the wealthy and hungry vampire elite. Her new job is as the live-in blood escort for the intimidating, demanding, and devilishly handsome Beckham Anderson. He’s everything she expected from a vampire, except for one thing—he won’t feed off her.

Reyna soon discovers that behind Beckham’s brooding, wicked façade lies a unique and complex man. And that, in a dark and divided world, she is more valuable than she ever would have believed.

For with each passing night, Reyna can’t shake the sensation that it’s Beckham who’s afraid of her.

Note: Reyna and Beckham’s story continues in Blood Match.




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That was the moment Beckham appeared in the doorway like a storm cloud.

Reyna straightened in her seat at the expression on his face. He walked across the room like a tightly coiled spring ready to explode.

“Ah Beckham, there you are,” Harrington said.

“Excuse me, William. I need to speak with Reyna. Alone.”

She hastened out of her seat and followed him around the corner. He tugged her straight through the kitchens, out the back door, down a corridor, and into a dead end. Then her back was slammed against the brick wall. His fist connected with the wall behind her, and she felt the wall shudder. Debris floated onto her shoulders.

“You left,” he growled.

“I . . .”

“No.” He pressed his finger to her lips roughly. She stopped breathing and just stared up into his eyes as dark as night. Her body trembled under the feral stare. “You left without me.”

The silence was weighted. All she could do was sit with their bodies nearly touching. His finger on her mouth. Her mind wandering to hellacious places.

“You are my subject. Can you imagine what it was like when I found you missing? When you turned up with three of my kind?” She shook her head minutely. He bared his teeth to her, and she shrank back. “These are meant to drink your blood. To drink you dry until there is nothing left of your body but a dry corpse. We are killers. We don’t hesitate. Just because we’re wearing suits and seem more like you . . . does not mean we are like you. We are not like you. They especially are not like you. The only way you get to the top of Visage is to be fucking ruthless, Reyna. Do you understand?”

“You’re . . . scaring me,” she whispered.





5+++++ Stars

OMG!! Now is this a paranormal romance that everyone needs to read!!

I have REALLY high standards when it comes to paranormal romances, especially when vampires are involved. I was definitely a bit leery going into this because of the standards I have. K.A. smashed those standards for me. The world she has created is so unique and unlike anything I have read before.

Blood Type is set in a world where vampires and humans co-exist together. It’s almost like a post-apocalyptic world where everyone is trying to find their place in the world after it went to shit. However, it’s vampires that are taking control and not zombies. And they are trying to make things better for all, humans and vampires. But when one is in control of the other, the battle of wills is bound to happen. And not everyone has the same endgame.

Reyna is at the point in her life where she feels that she has become a burden to her brothers. No one wants to hire her because she does not have a college education and she can’t afford to go to college. That leaves with her one option, becoming a blood escort to the vampire elite.

Reyna is assigned to none other than Beckham Anderson. Beckham is one of top members and one that Reyna finds both terrifying and alluring. He’s an enigma to her because he won’t feed off her yet she hears stories of how people fear him.

” ‘Oh Little One, this world will kill the goodness left within your beating heart.’
‘But it will not break me.’
‘No,’ he agreed. He leaned his head into her hard and drew a deep breath. ‘I will do that’ ” 

K.A. blew me away with this book and how everything plays out. This book is written in third POV, which is not my favorite, but I will admit, that I found myself drowning in this book and forgetting about all about that. K.A. did a great job with writing in this perspective; I feel it actually worked best with this story as were able to understand everything from all angles. I was able to figure out a few things, but in no way did that take away from this story. If anything, it just added to the hype of this book and all the excitement I was experiencing. It’s been quite some time that I felt this exhilaration for a paranormal book.

These characters are perfectly written. Reyna is a strong heroine in our own right, who also questions herself like anyone else would in her position. But she’s not a pushover and stands up for herself. I love that she has no problems going against the norm. And Becks, that man. He definitely had me going back and forth on him. I have my opinions on some other characters that play an intricate role in this series and I will just leave it at that because I do not want to give anything else away.

If you love paranormal reads, you  MUST  read this book.

If paranormal reads aren’t your typical style, you still MUST read this.

If you love, angsty, suspenseful and dramatic reads, you MUST read this.

I may have dipped my toes in to start, but I was immediately diving head first in after the first few sentences of this book. I never once wanted to take a breath and stop reading. And I really need book 2, NOW!!




Reyna Carpenter and Beckham Anderson return in the exhilarating follow-up to the provocative paranormal romance Blood Type.
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KylaK.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of more than fifteen novels including the Avoiding series and the Record series. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, geeking out over Star Wars, binge-watching Supernatural, and dancing in her spare time.

She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super adorable puppies.



  1. Fabulous fuckin g review court!!! I can’t wait to read this series!!! I knew it was gonna be good after I read the excerpt and teasers!!! Shared on all my socials!!

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