
When Stars Burn Out by Carrie Aarons…Release Day Blitz & Review


Title: When Stars Burn Out
Author: Carrie Aarons
Genre: Contemporary Adult
Release Date: April 22, 2018
Stars die in one of two ways.So slowly that each layer burning out feels like agony … or suddenly, exploding
into a million pieces before the universe even has a grasp of what is happening.

When Paxton Shaw left Demi Rosen without so much as a goodbye, he stole her
shine in both manners.

Now, eight years later, he’s trying to pull her back into his orbit. The
nation’s most beloved football player, a tight end with a seriously tight end,
has finally realized Demi is the one who got away.

But she’s a different woman than the weak girl who used to come running
whenever he called in the middle of the night. Strong, successful, her life’s
mission being to grant the wishes of children whose flames have all but been

And untouchable, as dark and cold as a midnight sky with no moon in sight.

When one special child forces their star-crossed paths to collide, it’s
impossible to keep the feelings of their past buried. Paxton had been her
Halley’s Comet; the once in a lifetime love that scorched Demi’s heart in the
most spectacular of fashions.

She promised herself she would never make that mistake again. But, how can she
forget the dreams of love she once had, when Paxton wants to make them come



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I never read anything by Carrie til earlier this year and she is quickly becoming one of my one-click authors for sweet and sexy reads.

When I read the blurb for this one, there was no doubt in my mind that I had to read this one. And Carrie did not let me down.

“Because being with him is the best high I’ve ever known.
Because when he touches me, there is no better feeling in the entire world.
Because I’m the moth and he’s the flame.
And the thing is, I know that he wouldn’t even notice if I burned completely.”

Demi and Paxton had an odd relationship, if you can call it that, in college. She wanted more and he was the stereotypical college football player that didn’t want to be tied down to one girl. Whereas Demi looked at him like he hung the moon and one day she would wear him down.

Years later, they see one another again but Demi has her walls up high and strong. Paxton is now a huge pro football player and she is the CEO of her own company. Demi wants nothing to do with him but he’s determined to prove he’s nothing like the college boy she remembers.

“A person doesn’t forget the dismantling of their heart, ventricle by ventricle.” 

Carrie does a really nice job of switching between past and present from both their POVs, giving the readers the best of both worlds. Seeing how Paxton has matured helps Demi understand him more. And seeing how hurt Demi was in the past, makes us understand the walls she has up.

Paxton and Demi’s relationship is a sweet and beautiful story. Nothing is too fast and these two learn a lot about one another. I love that Paxton stops at nothing with Demi – he is dead set on winning her over. While, I did wish there was more angst and drama, I still enjoyed this one.

Another rock solid story from Carrie.

Author Bio


Author of romance novels such as Red Card and All the Frogs in Manhattan, Carrie Aarons writes sexy, swoon-worthy, sarcastic characters who won’t get out of her head until she puts them down on a page.Carrie has wanted to be an author since the first time she opened a book, and can’t imagine a better or more maddening profession.

A lover of good manicures, Riesling and the beach, she enjoys chasing her puppy through the dog parks of New Jersey, or trying to make her husband binge watch the latest Netflix craze.

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  1. Awesome review court!!! Love this cover,on my tbr gr list too!! Shared on all my socials!!

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