
Intrepid by Keri Lake.. Blog Tour & Review

Today we have the blog tour for Keri Lake’s INTREPID. We are so excited to share this new release with you! Grab your copy today!

Title: Intrepid

Author: Keri Lake

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Intrepid:

In the corner house of an empty street, there is a boy inside a box. In that boy, there lives a secret, one so dark, it’s sealed with locks.

Nearly ten years have passed since the night I was captured. Tricked and betrayed, I suffered the hours of brutal torment with death’s cold whisper across my skin. And when the nameless faces that haunted my nightmares took everything and everyone I loved, I feared I’d never be free of the darkness.

But that’s the thing about fear. Over time, it breeds anger, and when anger fills the box, vengeance bleeds out.

It’s been almost a decade since I escaped their hell, staying in the shadows, hiding my demons, and God help them now that I’ve tasted retribution and crave more of it.

Blood is the price for pain, and I vow to take everything and everyone they love. I’m no longer a frightened boy, but the intrepid vigilante, a ruthless executioner, who will stop at nothing to punish the depraved few that stole my life and walked free.

The plan is perfect, except for her. The one woman I’m forbidden to have, whose soothing touch settles my fractured mind. My angel of mercy sent to silence the voices. Yet, not even she can save me from the black void wherein my skeletons lie buried beneath the truth. Because in order to feed my thirst for revenge, I have to destroy the very thing that gives me purpose.

Tooth for a tooth, heart for a heart.


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YES! YES! YES! YES! Everyone needs Keri Lake and her brilliant books in their reading repertoire. There are no words out there to explain the awesomeness that is Keri and her books. Keri has once again, blown me away.

Intrepid is listed as a contemporary romance because it has the components of it, but for me it’s also along the lines of dark, suspenseful romance. And I love it! This is where Keri shines – she’s my go-to for this genre and what I compare a lot of other books to. This book isn’t nearly as gritty, raw and gruesome as some of her others, but it’s still just as damn good.

“I was already on God’s shit list, so why not sweeten the ride to hell?”

Ty is a paradox, an enigma that has you questioning some of his actions but at the same time, you totally understand his reasoning. He has this passion for danger and an allure that draws the women to him; plus he’s not too bad on the eyes either. He’s conflicted over Sera and does this push and pull with her that adds to the hype in this book.

Sera doesn’t fit the mold that everyone expects of her – your typical high-class, mousy little girl with Daddy Warbucks as her father. She’s hellraiser with her spitfire attitude. She’s seen the dark side too many times and it’s left marks on her – both emotional and physical. The walls she has put up she never intended for anyone to get through, that is until she finds herself reluctant to to stay away from Ty.

“Like light and dark, fire and water, the moon and the sun trying to come together. We didn’t mix.”

The attraction between Sera and Ty is off the charts even if isn’t the most healthy. It is real and raw and in their world, that’s the closest to honesty they’ve ever had. You find yourself understanding their need to ignite this small kindling into a firestorm because sometimes that best thing is the wrong thing.

“This is about me tormenting you. Showing you how it feels wanting to grab onto something, all the while knowing your hands are tied.”

Keri delivers another gritty and passionate story filled with scenes that will leave you questioning your sanity and others that will leave you breathless. There is no black and white in this world, there is only justice. And sometimes justice is delivered in the most horrific of ways.

“Hope’s a fickle bitch sometimes. Personally, I’ve never been much of a fan. But fate? Now, she’s the real deal.”

Keri is a brilliant mastermind with her writing; her talent is unlike any other I have read before. Keri is the epitome of a dark and suspenseful romance author and Intrepid is just one of the many books that showcases her vivid and remarkable talent.

At the end of this book is a bonus scene featuring the characters from Ricochet, Aubree and Nick which I absolutely loved!!! So if you haven’t read that yet, go read it afterward this one and the come back and read the bonus content!










About Keri Lake:

Keri Lake is a dark romance writer who specializes in demon wrangling, vengeance dealing and wicked twists. Her stories are gritty, with antiheroes that walk the line of good and bad, and feisty heroines who bring them to their knees. When not penning books, she enjoys spending time with her husband, daughters, and their rebellious Labrador (who doesn’t retrieve a damn thing). She runs on strong coffee and alternative music, loves a good red wine, and has a slight addiction to dark chocolate.

Connect with Keri:

Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/2lWjOFg

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kerilakeauthor

Website: http://www.kerilake.com/

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kerilake

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kerilake

Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/HJPHH

Enter Keri’s Giveaway:

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  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Fabulous review court!!! I won this ebook and can’t wait to read!!! Shared on all my socials!!

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