
Hooked On You by Brittany Anne…Release Blitz with Review

Release Blitz: Hooked On You
by Brittany Anne
Genre: Contemporary Romance

They were each other’s biggest mistakes. Hers, for letting him in, and his, for letting her go.
Seven years after what was supposed to be the best night of Victoria’s life, she is finally ready to return home and face the memories that she spent so long running away from. She is certain she has moved on, but the minute she sees Gabe Matthews, all of the feelings she repressed come right back up to the surface. Gabe says he’s changed, but can she ever truly trust the man who shattered her heart all those years ago?
Gabe Matthews was not a good man, but he had spent the last three years doing everything he could to redeem himself. When the only girl he ever truly cared for walks back into his life, he is faced with the ultimate test: do the right thing and let her go, like he tried to do so many years ago, or be selfish and make her his. He wants to be the good guy, but sometimes, chemistry just can’t be controlled, and Gabe will be damned if he lets Victoria walk out of his life a second time. 

Did I like this book? Yes!! So much so that I took the time to reach out to the author to let her know I did! It is sooooooooo good. Brittany Anne truly took me on a journey of heart break, lust, hatred and love. It was so much fun to read Hooked On Me. I felt every emotion that Victoria felt, really, I did. I think that was why this book was so great.

Victoria was so young when she met Gabe Matthews. Not only was she young but he was such a screw up. He breaks her heart into a million pieces and does it in such a way that as a reader, I was screaming at Victoria to stop having feelings for him. However, like any great author, Brittany Anne made me fall in love with Gabe Matthews despite my hatred for him. I really just love the journey these two go on together. I love the roller coaster ride of emotions. I especially love that I could see how someone would fall in love with someone they thought they could not stand. It is really all about second chances and it was amazing!

I took this book and read it in two days, okay really two carpool lines and two nights. It was so hard for me to put down! This is one that I will for sure purchase to keep on my shelves at home and recommend for anyone in love with a great love story.

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About the Author
Brittany Anne is a hopeless romantic and an unrelenting dreamer, forever shoving logic aside for the sake of love and “happily ever after.”
She is a writer of romance, dabbling in multiple sub-genres including but not limited to contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and romantic suspense. Her stories typically center around flawed but lovable alpha heroes and strong, compassionate heroines.
When she isn’t writing, you can find Brittany Anne reading steamy romance novels, studying history, spending time outdoors in nature, and loving life with her own alpha hero.
If you’d like to contact Brittany Anne for any reason, please feel free to EMAIL her and she will get back to you ASAP. She loves hearing from readers and looks forward to chatting with you!


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  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Awesome review shannon!! Shared on all my socials!!

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