
Risen by Cole Gibsen…Release Day Blitz & Review


Fans of Vampire Diaries and Twilight will be thirsting for this latest vampire addiction…

My aunt has been kidnapped by vampires, and it’s up to me to save her. Only…I had no idea vampires existed. None. Nada. I’m more of a reader than a fighter, and even though I’d been wishing to escape my boring existence in the middle of nowhere, I’d give anything to have it back now if it meant my aunt was safe.

Then there’s the vampire Sebastian, who seems slightly nicer than most of the bloodsuckers I’ve run into so far. Yes, he’s the hottest being I’ve ever come across, but there’s no way I can trust him. He swears he’s helping me get answers, but there’s more to his story. Now I’m a key pawn in a raging vampire war, and I need to pick the right ally.

But my chances of surviving this war are slim at best, when the side I choose might be the one that wants me dead the most.




So this book took me by surprise. The blurb had me intrigued enough to take a chance on this author (she is new to me) and since I have love of paranormal reads, figured it would at least be something I enjoyed. I did not expect to really get so wrapped up in the story.

There are so many vampire books out there, that it is truly hard to find out that stands out from the rest. Cole has definitely done in her job in making this story unique and different from other stories I have read.

Charlie has had this inkling of wanting to escape her aunt’s little cabin for quite some time. They never venture much outside the woods and as a teenager dangling on the edge of adulthood, Charlie’s anxiety of seeing what else is an itch that needs scratched desperately. And Charlie does get her wish, just not in the way she expected.

“The veil that’s hidden a strange, darker world from what I know has only been pulled back a fraction. I’m not sure I’m ready for more.” 

Charlie is taken on a journey she never intended to embark on. Sebastian, a vampire who is her captor, is also her only hope of finding her aunt and rescuing her. Sebastian has many questions and knows that Charlie is a key part of finding those answers.

We are thrown into a world where vampires have different species and have been battling for ages. A war is impending amongst them and as Charlie learns of these different species, she is grasping with her new knowledge and what this means for her. The readers are given a lot of interesting and entertaining facts, but we are left with more questions than we started with and an intense need to know what happens next.

Cole has definitely set up an intriguing world with great characters. The plot development is engaging and just when you think you know everything, she throws in another twist that has you second guessing everything you just thought. I love it!

I cannot wait for the next book to arrive to see what it is in store next for Charlie, Sebastian and Opal. Great start to what I feel will be a very enthralling series.



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Excerpt from Risen:

“Don’t say it like that, Charlie. I wanted to protect you.” She tugs on the edge of my cardigan, pulling me toward her. “I love you. You’re the most important thing in my life, do you understand?”

There’s a desperation in her eyes that tightens my throat. Swallowing hard, I nod.

She lets go of me with a sigh. “Maybe I took it too far.” She sweeps her dreadlocks over her shoulder and twists them tightly. “All I’ve ever wanted was to keep you safe.”

Safe. The world spirals, cold and slippery, down my spine. “What are you so afraid of?”
She opens her mouth only to shut it again.
Jax growls.
We turn as he claws at the door.
“The only thing there is to be afraid of,” she whispers. “The monsters.”

About Cole Gibsen:

Growing up, Cole Gibsen couldn’t decide what she loved more—dogs or books. Rather than choose, she decided to devote her life to both! Dog trainer (wrangler) by day and author by night, she’s the author of more than ten books with more on the way. www.colegibsen.com

Author Links:

Author Website: www.ColeGibsen.com
Author Twitter: Twitter.com/colegibsen
Author Facebook: Facebook.com/colegibsen
Author Goodreads: goodreads.com/colegibsen
Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/colegibsen/



  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Fabulous review court!! Sounds good,on my tbr gr list!! Shared on all my socials!!

  2. I have to say that this is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL cover I have ever seen! I just love it!!

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