
Bourbon & Bonfires by Andrea Johnston…Release Day Blitz & Review



Title: Bourbon & Bonfires
Series: Country Road #4
Author: Andrea Johnston
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 23, 2018
Montgomery has suddenly found himself the lone bachelor in his group of
friends. With a new career handed to him and a string of unsuccessful blind
dates behind him, Landon is ready to search for love. A chance meeting and
immediate attraction have him wondering if things are about to turn around or
if he’s stuck in the single life forever.
Sinclair thought she had it all – a loving husband, perfect son, and fulfilling
career. Four years after her husband broke up their family she’s still not sure
if a second chance at love is in her future. One casual encounter and a few
misunderstandings later, Addy must decide if love the second time around is
worth the risk, especially when your son’s heart is on the line too.
Like the
crackling flames of a bonfire, Landon and Addy will learn that sometimes fire
and passion are simply the gateway to forever.

Purchase Links

AMAZON US / UK / CA / AUFree in Kindle Unlimited


Bourbon and Bonfires is the fourth book in Andrea Country Road book (not including the novella) and I have enjoyed each and every one of these cute little romance stories. They are not your southern cowboy charm, but these southern stories are perfect for me since I am not cowboy lovin’ woman.

Anyway – Bourbon and Bonfires is Landon’s story, the one I have been patiently waiting for. Why is that the one story I really want at the beginning of the story, is the one I have to wait forever (it seems like forever). Well I was not disappointed in at all and enjoyed every bit of this sweet romance.

Addy is still struggling to move on from the destruction her ex-husband left behind when he just upped and moved on with his life, without Addy and their son. Addy isn’t pining after him in any way, but she is having a hard time with her son lately and that has her frustrated enough to finally take her brother up on his offer and move closer to him. It just so happens that Taylor, Addy’s brother is the owner the of the bar that Landon and his buddies frequent. Landon also so happens to remember Addy quite well from a recent wedding she attended.

Landon truly won me over in this book. He may come across as a playboy, but he has a heart of gold. But make no mistake, Addy does not make things easy. It’s not that she plays to hard to get, she just has a lot baggage and can’t wrap her head around why Landon would want her of all people.

Andrea doesn’t make her stories too angsty and for once, I am perfectly fine with that. Her stories work beautifully with all the easy and less dramatic flare ups. These people handle themselves like the adults they are and talk things through. I love it.

Another really enjoyable and sweet romance from Andrea.



Author Bio
Johnston spent her childhood with her nose in a book and a pen to paper. An
avid people watcher, her mind is full of stories that yearn to be told.  A
fan of angsty romance with a happy ending, super sexy erotica and a good
mystery, Andrea can always be found with her Kindle nearby fully charged.
lives in Idaho with her family and two dogs.  When she isn’t spending time
with her partner in crime aka her husband, she can be found binge
watching all things Bravo and enjoying a cocktail. Nothing makes her happier
than the laughter of her children, a good book, her feet in the water, and
cocktail in hand all at the same time.
Author Links


  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Awesome review court!! On my tbr gr list!!! Shared on all my!m

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