
Ride Dirty by Laura Kaye…ARC Review


Caine McKannon is all about rules. As the Raven Riders Sergeant-at-Arms, he prizes loyalty to his brothers and protection of his club. As a man, he takes pleasure wherever he can get it but allows no one close—because distance is the only way to ensure people can’t hurt you. And he’s had enough pain for a lifetime.

And then he rescues a beautiful woman from an attack.

Kids and school are kindergarten teacher Emma Kerry’s whole life, so she’s stunned to realize she has an enemy—and even more surprised to find a protector in the intimidating man who saved her. Tall, dark, and tattooed, Caine is unlike any man Emma’s ever known, and she’s as uncertain of him as she is attracted. As the danger escalates, Caine is in her house more and more – until one night of passion lands him in her bed.

But breaking the rules comes at a price, forcing Caine to fight dirty to earn a chance at love.

My Review:

Ride Dirty is part of author Laura Kaye’s Raven Riders series and is the fourth novella in the 2018 1,001 Dark Nights line-up.  For many years now I have looked forward to anything Laura Kaye puts out and this was no exception.  I couldn’t wait for Caine and Emma’s story and, oh my, it was just as amazing as I knew it would be.

Here’s the thing about Laura Kaye and broken heroes…holy hell can she write them!  Caine is such the perfect example of that.  He’s had a horrible past. Truly heartbreaking and it had my chest physically aching as I was reading him and just how far he’s come and how he’s still trying to overcome things today.  I just loved him and wanted nothing more for him to have his happy ending.  Enter Emma…

If ever there was a gal perfect for Caine, it was Emma.  She’s the sunshine in his darkness and I loved them together. The connection they share is emotional and intense and it’s deliciously steamy and BEYOND sexy.  These two burned up the pages and I was so sad to have read them as fast as I did!  It’s stories like these that make me hate reading as fast as I do!

And now this is where I go into how sad I am to see this series come to an end.  I have loved these guys and gals from the very beginning and while I will miss them, I know Ms. Kaye has other amazing stories in store for us!

Whether you’re already a fan of Ms. Kaye or this is your first taste, I know you will love Ride Dirty as much as I did!

Five Loves


Book Links:

Amazon  |  1,001 Dark Nights 




New York Times and USA Today bestseller Laura Kaye is the author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Laura grew up amid family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses, cementing her life-long fascination with storytelling and the supernatural. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

Laura is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Maryland Romance Writers, and she is past president of the RWA-Contemporary Romance Writers.

Visit Laura Kaye’s website and follow her on:





  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Fabulous review jillian!! Love Laura Kate’s books!! Shared on all my socials!!

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