
Secret Lucidity by E.K. Blair….Release Day Blitz & Review


Title: Secret Lucidity
Author: E.K. Blair
Genre: Student/Teacher Forbidden Romance
Release Date: February 26, 2018
This wasn’t
supposed to happen.
But it did.
This wasn’t
supposed to be my life.
But it was.
I was just a typical
girl, living a typical life. Nothing was out of the ordinary until tragedy
threw me into a turnstile I couldn’t see my way out of. That was, until him.
I never could’ve
imagined my heart falling the way it did. Hard, fast, and with unbounding beauty.
The only problem?
He was off limits.
But he became my
everything, and I became his, so we risked it all. It was only a matter of time
until I realized that our risk came with unimaginable consequences.
My name is Camellia
Hale and his is David Andrews, and this is our love story.


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I feel like I am hitting some sort of book slump because I keep finding myself in the minority on books where everyone else is loving them. It’s sort of frustrating because I feel like I am missing something. LOL But it is what it is.

Secret Lucidity was a good book. I enjoyed it. But I wasn’t “wow’d” by it like other readers. It was another right down the middle enjoyable read. Secret Lucidity was a slow burn romance for me. I was hoping to get more angst but I still didn’t mind the overall story. It’s a forbidden student/teacher romance and I just felt that there wasn’t a huge build up for that drama.

Cam is going through a very traumatic moment in her life when David comes in to her life. She never expected him or for things to go the way they did. I did like how Ms. Blair had the romance between Cam and David move forward and play out. I will say that I personally felt that in the beginning it almost felt like she relied on David because he filled the role the one person she just lost. However, it felt natural for them and nothing felt forced after things became open between the two of them.

There were certain moments where things was glazed over too. I understand that certain parts are import to the overall story, but if you aren’t going to clarify certain parts in a scene, then don’t mention them at all because it sort of leaves things open and the whole story doesn’t feel complete.

The secondary characters were definitely a needed part of this story. They helped add the drama to the situation and kept the story interesting. Cam’s mother was a piece of work but I felt her actions were glazed over the most and wanted a bit more from that aspect.

Overall, I did enjoy the story. I did want more angst and drama added in the overall story because it just felt like slow burn romance with some bits of angst here and there.

Teaser Video
Author Bio
New York Times, USA Today, and International bestselling author, E.K.
Blair, takes her readers on an emotional roller coaster with her books. Blair
tends to drift towards love stories that are deeply layered with emotional
angst. Give her a character and she will dig into their core to find what lies

Aside from writing, E.K. Blair finds pleasure in music, drinking her Starbucks
in peace and spending time with her friends and family. She’s a thinker, an artist,
a wife, a mom, and everything in between.


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  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Great review court! Great teasers too! Shared on all my socials!!

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