Release Date: February 22, 2018
an artist. She was his muse.To everyone in town, Abel Adams was the devil’s spawn, a boy who never should
have been born. A monster.To twelve year-old Evie Hart, he was just a boy with golden hair, soft t-shirts
and a camera. A boy who loved taking her picture and sneaking her chocolates
before dinner. A boy who made her feel special.Despite her family’s warnings, she loved him in secret for six years. They met
in empty classrooms and kissed in darkened church closets. Until they couldn’t.Until the time came to choose between love and family, and Evie chose Abel.Because their love was worth the risk. Their love was the stuff of legend.But the thing about legends is that they are cautionary tales. They are made of
choices and mistakes. And for Abel and Evie, the artist and the muse, those
mistakes come in the form of lights, camera, sex.
NOTE: This is NOT a paranormal or a priest romance.
I requested to review this book because I not only saw all the raving about it, but I also read great reviews about this author in particular. Gods and Monsters is the first book I have read from Saffron and to be honest, for all the amazing reviews about her, I was let down with this book.
I am right down the middle for this book. And because I had such high hopes, this book just deflated even more for me. I am definitely in the minority on this one and I am fine with that. This is just my opinion and how I was left feeling after reading this book. A three star rating in my opinion is still a decent book to read. But I will be honest, I struggled rating this one – so I settled for an overall rating of 2.5 stars.
The first part of this book started off brilliantly and I could see why people rated this book so high. Hell, after the first part, I was rating this book a 5 star read. I loved the story line, loved the characters and how everything was coming together.
The second part totally killed the vibes I was feeling in the first half and left me wanting more. No, more isn’t the right word. It left me a bit dry despite all the damn sex going on. I found myself stopping a lot while reading the second half and truly not giving a shit how this ended, I really didn’t. However, I pushed forward and did finish the book.
While I did not care for how the story played itself out, that’s not the reason for my rating. I won’t rate a book because I didn’t like that the author went a different route than what I wanted. My rating is because the book lost it’s mojo and excitement for me. I no longer felt vested in the characters and no longer cared what happened to them. And for me that just took the book from 5 stars to somewhere between 2 and 3 stars.
Overall, I did enjoy this author’s writing style and will give her other books a look. This book wasn’t my fave but I’d still urge anyone to give it a go. Many others enjoyed this book,I sadly wasn’t one if them. I am hoping that Sky and Duke are given their own book and that I will read.
of bad romances. Aspiring Lana Del Rey of the Book World. Saffron is a big believer in love (obviously). She believes in happily ever
after, the butterflies and the tingling. But she also believes in edgy, rough
and gutsy kind of love. She believes in pushing the boundaries, darker
(sometimes morally ambiguous) emotions and imperfections.The kind of love she writes about is flawed just like her characters. And she
hopes by the end of it, you’ll come to root for them just as much as she does.
Because love, no matter where it comes from, is always pure and beautiful.She is represented by Meire Dias of Bookcase Agency
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