Hi everyone!
As some of you may know, I am the social media manager for the super awesome 1,001 Dark Nights Series. I am also the lucky gal who gets to interview all of the 1,001 Dark Nights authors for their newsletters. It’s one of the most amazing and fun things I’ve ever been asked to do. I mean to get a chance to ask some of the biggest authors out there questions is so flipping cool to a huge fangirl reader like myself. To add to that, I contribute to these newsletters with a fun column called “A Note From Jillian”, which usually involves some sort of funny story that happened or a random real life connection that occurs while reading one of these novellas.
As the end of 2017 approaches, I wanted to take a look back at all that 2017 held and thought it would be great to share my fave questions from each interview with all of you! And, if you’re so inclined to read, the Note From Jillian is in each of the “read more” of the interview links.
And, to make it even more exciting, I have the entire 2017 e-book collection of 1,001 Dark Nights novellas to give away to one lucky winner! Yahoo! (enter in the rafflecopter below)
Interview with Kristen Ashley:
I loved loved loved this story! Was it hard to decide on this prequel of sorts for your novella?
Yes. I was never certain that I was going to tell Daisy and Marcus’s story because I adore Daisy to distraction and I knew what precipitated them getting together and it was heartbreaking. I didn’t want to be in that place with Daisy. Not to mention, I wanted to be certain to do their story justice. They were my most-asked-for secondary character couple. I wanted to do it right for Daisy and Marcus and I wanted to do it right for my readers. We’ll just say Daisy never lets anyone down. Neither does Marcus. So in the end it worked out for everyone!
And just a note of thanks to Liz Berry for cheering on this decision. If I didn’t have her enthusiasm, I might have forever shied away from telling this story. Thank God I had her and my sister Erika supporting me writing it or it might never have been told!
I adore all of your series and how they all have a very different feel. Is it ever hard switching gears from your paranormal to your contemporary work?
Nope. I love this. It’s nice to be in the real world (as such, since it’s fictional :-)) and then pop into a straight-up fantasy where anything but anything can go. I’m always ready to hit a paranormal/fantasy when the time comes and when it’s done, just as ready to spend time in your average, everyday bar or coffee shop (average, everyday with the addition of really hot guys). So it’s perfect for me.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Carrie Ann Ryan:
Who would you cast as Holly and Brody in an Adoring Ink movie?
Ack! I’m always so bad at this. Hmmm…for Holly I would say a blonde Felicity Jones. You know her from Rogue One and I adore her and her strength in movies. For Brody? Probably Aaron Taylor-Johnson in his bearded glory. He played Quicksilver in the Age of Ultron movie and just won a Golden Globe for his work as well.
What is one of your favorite moments since joining 1,001 Dark Nights?
I’m such a fangirl, so all of my favorite moments include other authors. I love this group of talented women—and Chris! One of my favorite moments was probably sitting next to Kristen Ashley at RT16 and talking about 1001 Dark Nights and how many yummy books I get to read that I wouldn’t have before. She was so sweet and amazing and it wasn’t until a couple months later that I found out she was going to write Daisy’s story with 1001. I screamed. Ask Liz! LOL
Read the full interview here
Interview with K. Bromberg:
You’ve given these characters two fantastic names. Where do you find your character name inspiration?
I’m very particular about my characters’ names to be honest. I don’t have a rhyme or reason to how I pick them, but I have a list of names that I’ve overheard that I like. For instance, in another novel I write, I overheard a mom at my daughter’s kindergarten class call her daughter’s name and I was like, ‘That’s the name!’ I also go by the theory that I want a reader to hear my characters’ names and be brought back to the book somehow. So for instance, I’d never name a character Christian… because I know when readers hear that name, they automatically think of FSOG.
Speaking of inspiration…Ryder’s appearance had me totally drooling. Is there anyone you used as a visual muse?
Can I say my imagination? It’s funny because I prefer the clean-cut look myself but I know a lot of my readers enjoy the tattoos and beard. . . so in a sense, I combined both of our wants and created Ryder. Plus, as fun as it is to write the bad boy, it’s also super fun to write the nice guy too.
What would we find on the top shelf of your refrigerator right now?
Diet Coke. There’s always Diet Coke.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Joanna Wylde:
I loved Shade and Mandy’s story so much! How did you choose them for this novella?
As president of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, Shade has been a background character in several of my other books. I’ve had readers ask for his story, but until I got the idea for Mandy’s character I just wasn’t ready. Then I woke up one Saturday morning with Mandy’s whole life history in my head. I knew she’d be perfect for Shade.
When I started writing, I really thought they’d just be a short story but they kept talking to me. Then they grew into a novella, and now I think it’s safe to say they’re a full book, LOL. Sometimes the story doesn’t go quite the way you expected it!
The soft side Shade has toward Mandy is just fantastic. Is it ever a challenge to give a character those different layers?
I think it’s technically challenging as a writer to portray a character in such a way that the person in your head translates into someone the readers can empathize with, but the characters themselves tend to be very fully developed in my head. I don’t have to sit down and try to come up with a soft side or an emotional angle for my heroes… I don’t change who they are, either. They’re in my head, they’re real and they have their own personalities.
Once a character comes to life in my imagination, all I really do is throw them into a given situation and see what they do. Sometimes they surprise the hell out of me.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Larissa Ione:
With so many characters and layers to your world, I have to ask how you keep it all straight. Do you have a story bible or do you just keep it all in your head?
Both, but keeping it in my head is becoming harder and harder, so I’m actually slowly going through all my books and adding more detail to the existing bible, since I didn’t keep up with it.
If you could pick one song to be your theme song, what would it be?
That has always been a tough question. My go-to is “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere,” by Alan Jackson, and I’ve always been surrounded by music boxes and stuff that play “Lara’s Theme,” (From Doctor Zhivago, where my name came from…my family nickname is also Lara,) but you know what song always gives me a big lift when I need it? The theme song from Star Trek: Enterprise. Yes, really. Just give it a listen. It was totally my theme song when I was trying to get published.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Lexi Blake:
Is there a place in real life that was inspiration for the island of Loa Mali?
Kauai, Hawaii! One of my favorite places on earth. I love that you can go from gorgeous canyons to amazing beaches. I coupled that with some of the culture of southern India and you get Loa Mali.
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
I would be the brand new ombre crayon. I start a deep blue, almost purple and gradually go lighter until you can color the sky with me. Because being just one color is boring….
Read the full interview here
Interview with Rebecca Zanetti:
In the second book, Ginny held herself very differently and is now a very strong gal. Did you know when you wrote her that she would evolve so awesomely?
In TEASED, Ginny was just mentioned as a woman who’d broken Theo’s brother’s heart. Then she shows up in TRICKED, and she’s all delicate and feminine and a little helpless…except Theo is the only one to see that she’s not quite that way. Then she shows her true colors (she’s a badass thief who can fight), and the hunt is on in TANGLED.
I know you write in many different genres but is there a genre you haven’t written in yet and would like to try?
I think a women’s fiction – part romantic comedy and part suspense – would be a lot of fun to write.
Read the full interview here
Interview with J. Kenner:
I loved this peek into Nikki and Damien’s life. It deals with a pretty rough spot for Nikki and I love that you showed that side of her. Why did you choose to write this particular slice of their life?
A couple of reasons. First, it made sense, because Hold Me comes on the heels of Anchor Me, which ends with, ah, um, stuff that happens a few months before Hold Me starts (she says, coyly avoiding spoilers), and I knew readers would want to see these moments in their lives.
But more than that, I wanted to show the challenges Nikki—and all women—face juggling working and being a mom!
I’m always curious about character names. How did you choose Nikki and Damien’s daughter’s names?
Oh, good question! Sometimes I don’t choose the names, they choose for me. But in this case, there are reasons:
For Lara Ashley Stark, the Lara is a name I saw when I was looking at Chinese adoption websites to refresh my memory as to the process for adopting (it’s been 10 years for me!) and to make sure I knew the details of how Chinese adoptions have changed since my daughter came home. I saw a little girl’s picture with the name Lara, and it grabbed me!
Her middle name, Ashley, is the first name of Nikki’s sister, who died before the series begins.
Their youngest daughter, Anne, is also named after Ashley (Anne was her middle name).
Read the full interview here
Interview with Jennifer Probst:
I love this entire series and love the design/building aspect in each book. If you could live in one of the homes you’ve written about, which one would it be?
I’m such an HGTV addict and enjoy binge watching all the shows with my family. If I had to pick one house I’d love to live in from the series, it would be the Pierce family mansion. After losing their beloved mother and matriarch, the mansion became the heart and soul of the brothers struggle to repair the breaks and tears in their relationship. It has a rich history. It’s also gorgeous! I pinned some inspirational pics on my Pinterest page if you want to take a peek, but think of a huge wraparound porch, soaring columns and high ceilings, magnificent gardens, an Infiniti pool, and a gorgeous cedar deck. It’s southern charm in a Northeastern setting, and surrounded by over 40 acres of woods.
Who would you choose to play Charlotte and Brady in a movie?
I think Amanda Seyfried would be awesome as the bubbly, stubborn Charlotte. And for my hot Latino Brady? I’d say either William Levy *YUM* or Jay Hernandez.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Tessa Bailey:
If you could dream cast Bree and Kyler, who would you choose?
Actress Tessa Thompson was my inspiration for Bree. She is beautiful and has this quiet, lovely grace about her that I associate with Bree. As for Kyler, I went searching for actual football players that matched the charming, sexy and devoted Kyler in my head. And I struck gold with Christian McCaffery, who now plays for the Broncos. Total swoon factory.
I know it must be bittersweet when you end a series. What series of yours would you love to go back and write one more book in?
All of them! But hmm. Maybe the Made in Jersey series. When I ended that series late last year, I was falling into a second stage of love with the town and it’s people. Since it’s set in a factory town, there are so many struggles and stories I could have created. I’ll just be over here lamenting my choices in peace.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Elisabeth Naughton:
If you could choose a theme song for this couple, what would it be?
This one’s easy. “You Are Not Alone” by Lifehouse. Absolutely fits these two perfectly.
What book would be your choice for a beach read this summer?
I don’t get as much time to read these days as I used to. (All authors say that, don’t they? LOL) When I find time to read something other than what I’ve written, I usually veer toward books written by my awesome author friends. I recently plowed through Julie Kenner’s SIN series. (Warning…dark, sexy, and totally addictive.) I also happen to be a little OCD so when I find a series I like, I HAVE to read them all ASAP. A book I’m looking forward to reading this summer is Darcy Burke’s So In Love (I helped her plot this one and it’s going to be hot! Releases in August.) And if you’re a romantic suspense fan, I can definitely recommend Rachel Grant’s Tinderbox. Perfect beach read!
Read the full interview here
Interview with Laura Kaye:
I loved Wolf and Olivia together! They are so smoking hot. How did you choose them for this novella?
Yay! I love writing them! They just totally surprised me with their chemistry, playfulness, and connection. When I first starting planning the Blasphemy series, I knew Wolf was a voyeur, and I also knew I wanted him paired with someone not currently in the lifestyle. And Olivia was just so fearless in her willingness to give herself permission to have what she really wanted. I really love the way their romance turned out – so hot and sexy and fun!
I enjoy all of your different series and the different genres you write in. Do you ever find it difficult to switch gears?
No! Actually, I find it invigorating. I get to go from the playful sexiness of Blasphemy to the intense grit of the Raven Riders to even a whole other era with the historical fiction I write as Laura Kamoie. I feel like the different genres pull from different parts of my brain, and so switching gears isn’t as hard as I might’ve thought and makes me excited to return to each one.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright:
I love that Blade is a bad ass but also so tender and protective of his young. Is it ever a challenge to write characters with such complex sides to their personalities?
Alex and Laura: It’s always easier for us to write characters who have more than one dimension. Weaving in conflicting goals gives an extra suspense to the story and makes for more believable characters. And when we write romance, the ending is more satisfying when our characters discover that there is someone out there who can help them heal or grow, even though they were determined to be alone.
Who would you choose to play both Blade and Valli if you had to cast them in a movie?
Alex: For me Blade would be Chris Hemsworth and Valli would be Felicity Jones.
Laura: Oooooo, so hard!! Blade.. I think a blond Chris Evans. And for Valli, I’m going with Lily Collins!
Read the full interview here
Interview with Donna Grant:
How do you choose your character names? Is there any name you’re dying to use but haven’t yet?
I use several sources for names. I’ve got a naming source book, I also use BehindTheName.com, and then I have a list of names that I keep when I run across something I find interesting. Sometimes it’s a matter of just liking a name. But…I have had a few instances where I’ve chosen a name and after a page or two of writing I realize it doesn’t fit the character. And oddly, it’s always the woman’s name I change. For DRAGON BURN, I sat on the name Gianna for years, waiting on the right time to use it. As soon as I knew I was setting the story in Italy, I had the name.
You always paint such a beautiful pictures of the surroundings your stories. Have you been able to visit a lot of the places you write about?
Thank you! That means a lot, especially since I think the one thing I need to continually work on in my writing is descriptions.
While I have been to Scotland a few times, I’ve not made it to Italy/Venice. Yet. I spent a few days immersing myself in everything about Venice before I started writing so I could hopefully incorporate enough of it within the story. One of my favorite parts was searching houses for sale to get an idea of what the inside would look like. I found about a dozen I wanted.
It helps that I’ve always wanted to visit Venice, so it was no great hardship to find all the places I’d like to see if I went.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Lorelei James:
As for the story, it was certainly unlike anything I have ever read and I loved it. What made you decide to write about such an interesting and different topic?
It interested me and living so close to Colorado, I had the opportunity to do hands-on research. The cannabis industry is still in its infancy. To the general populace and states where it’s not available even for medicinal use, the old school mentality about weed, pot, marijuana continues to exist and that’s too bad. The cannabis available now ain’t nothin’ like the old school stuff—haha.
If you had to choose a theme song for yourself, what would it be?
Believe It Or Not by Christopher Cross. It’s a happy little sing-along-in-your-car ditty.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Lauren Blakely:
All of your characters are so fun and interesting with all sorts of fun hobbies and fascinating careers. Is it ever challenging to build these character layers?
Thank you! Yes, it is challenging, but that’s what makes people stand out, in my opinion. I believe so strongly that our careers can be huge sources of satisfaction in life, so I always try to find interesting ones for characters, and then likewise to develop hobbies, traits and interests that drive them on. The world is a great and wondrous place with so many things to do. When I look at it that way, I always see that I have so many options in building characters.
Who would you choose to play Dylan and Evie in a book-to-movie adaptation?
Let’s cast a blonde Brittany Snow as Evie! In Pitch Perfect, Brittany has a certain crispness, but also a warmth that works for our matchmaker. For Dylan, can we put Armie Hammer in glasses and call it good?
Read the full interview here
Interview with Lara Adrian:
Trygg was such a great wounded hero and I was swooning hard-core over him. Is it difficult to give heroes the dual hard and soft sides?
I’m so glad you liked him! I think I’m just wired as a writer to create heroes who are tough and impenetrable on the outside, but who are wounded on the inside. That dichotomy really speaks to me as a writer—and as a reader.
All of your book titles in the Midnight Breed series are so cohesive. How hard is it to keep that going while coming up with new titles?
It has been challenging at times, but I’ve got a running list of ideas and every time I run across a word that evokes something dark or passionate or intriguing, I jot it down as a potential title idea. I’ve also moved away from the “Midnight” titles on my series’ next generation to allow myself more options when it comes to fun titles.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Heather Graham:
I’m always in awe of how many books you’ve written and how many characters you’ve developed over the years. Do you keep some sort of story bible or flow chart to keep track of it all?
Each summer with the trio that comes out with Mira, I always have a bible to keep the characters straight.
Do you have a favorite Halloween movie or TV show you love to watch around this time of year?
Yes, Hocus Pocus! (A very dear friend and incredible man and actor—Doug Jones—plays Billy Bones!)
What would be your theme song if you had to choose one?
Read the full interview here
Interview with Laurelin Paige:
I always feel a part of every story you write. It’s like a movie playing in my head when I read. Do you feel that way as you write them?
I do! My background is in theater, so I think it’s automatic for me to try and fill in scenery and dialogue in a way that feels like the story is unfolding around you instead of just in front of you.
Who would you dream cast as Nathan and Trish?
David Beckham was always my Nathan. I didn’t have someone as Trish, but let’s say a younger Monica Bellucci.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Kendall Ryan:
If you could cast Sam and Maggie for a movie, who would you choose to play them?
Oh my goodness, that is such a hard question to answer!!! I truly do not know. But I do know, they’d need to have that great, flirty chemistry, and work as both friends and as lovers.
What’s your favorite 90’s jam?
I love the 90s! I like everything from Nirvana and the Smashing Pumpkins to Janet Jackson!
Read the full interview here
Interview with C.D. Reiss:
Raven is a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it, unabashedly. I loved her for that. Is it hard to strike a balance between a forward female character who doesn’t come off as unlikable?
To be frank, if a woman who is smart and unapologetically ambitious is unlikeable to a reader, they won’t like any of my books. Almost all of my heroines are determined, loyal, and motivated. Sometimes the guy gets in the way. Sometimes he helps her get what she wants. But she always has to find a place for a man inside a life that’s already complete.
If you could cast Roman and Raven for a movie, who would you choose?
Roman would be Christian Bale. He looks so serious but when he smiles, the frame just lights up and you can tell he’s a guy who likes to have fun. He also looks stunning in a suit.
Raven would be Natalie Portman. She can play so tough and businesslike, but when she melts, she melts hard.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Kristen Proby:
Who would you dream cast for these two?
Rachel McAdams and Ryan Reynolds.
Your characters are all so wonderfully real and relatable. Do you ever find that kind of realness hard to write?
Not at all. They are real to me, so translating that to the page is natural to me.
Read the full interview here
Interview with Liliana Hart:
Who would you dream cast for Elizabeth and Cole?
Cole is a good decade older than Elizabeth, so I’d have to say Scott Eastwood would be perfect to play Cole MacKenzie. As far as Elizabeth, I love her so much. She’s such a badass, scoffing at traditional roles of how a woman should be during that era. She’s tough, she owns her own property, she shoots, and she wears pants. So I can easily see Kate Beckinsale in that role.
A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?
“My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Oddly enough, this would not be an uncommon occurrence in our house. We have 5 kids under roof and one of them has a penguin costume that gets worn way too often.
Read the full interview here
I hope you all enjoyed sharing in the fun 2017 was and I can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store for all of us! Thanks for stopping by! ~Jillian
Enter to win the 2017 1,001 Collection in the Rafflecopter here:
Direct Link for giveaway: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/f6e7132a145/?
Titles include:
ADORING INK: A Montgomery Ink Novella by Carrie Ann Ryan
SWEET RIVALY by K. Bromberg
SHADE’S LADY: A Reapers MC Novella by Joanna Wylde
RAZR: A Demonica Underworld Novella by Larissa Ione
ARRANGED: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella by Lexi Blake
TANGLED: A Dark Protectors Novella by Rebecca Zanetti
HOLD ME: A Stark Ever After Novella by J. Kenner
SOMEHOW, SOME WAY: A Billionaire Builders Novella by Jennifer Probst
TOO CLOSE TO CALL: A Romancing the Clarksons Novella by Tessa Bailey
HUNTED: An Eternal Guardians Novella by Elisabeth Naughton
EYES ON YOU: A Blasphemy Novella by Laura Kaye
BLADE: A Bayou Heat Novella by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright 8
DRAGON BURN: A Dark Kings Novella by Donna Grant
TRIPPED OUT: A Blacktop Cowboys ® Novella by Lorelei James
STUD FINDER by Lauren Blakely
MIDNIGHT UNLEASHED: A Midnight Breed Novella by Lara Adrian 1
HALLOW BE THE HAUNT: A Krewe of Hunters Novella by Heather Graham 1
DIRTY FILTHY FIX: A Fixed Trilogy Novella by Laurelin Paige
THE BED MATE: A Room Mate Novella by Kendall Ryan 1
PRINCE ROMAN: A Games Novella by C.D. Reiss
NO RESERVATIONS: A Fusion Novella by Kristen Proby
DAWN OF SURRENDER: A MacKenzie Family Novella by Liliana Hart 1
OH!MY! I would love to win this collection!!!! So many awesome writers and reads!!! This is a awesome series with something for everyone!!! Thank you for this giveaway!!! Great interviews too! Shared on fb,twitter,pintrest, google+ and tumblr !!!
I still have all the cover magnets from the last collection (thank you RT event). LOVE everything 1001<3
This is so exciting. Love these books.
Wow, I didn’t know you had a blog! I definitely subscribed. I’m currently reading Razr by Larissa Ione (adore her Demonica Series!) in paperback, because I keep paperbacks on my Keeper shelves, but absolutely wouldn’t mind having the ebook as well. Nor would I mind winning any or all of these 1001 Dark Nights novellas. I think all but 2 or 3 authors are on my TBR list, and that could change once I read their work. Thanks for an awesome giveaway opportunity!
Omgosh what an amazing giveaway. Merry Christmas