
Archives for July 20, 2017

Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland…Review Tour Stop

    The first time I met Caine West was in a bar. He noticed me looking his way and mistakenly read my scowling as checking him out. When he attempted to talk to me, I set him straight—telling him what I thought of his lying, cheating, egomaniacal ass. You see, the gorgeous jerk had […]

The Hunting Grounds by Katee Robert….Pre-Order Blitz

Have you Pre-ordered THE HUNTING GROUNDS by Katee Robert yet?    “Katee Robert has definitely picked up the romantic suspense genre and made it her bitch. I can’t wait to see what we get next. Given some of the books I see she’s been using for research, I know it’s going to be frightening and amazing at the […]

Release Day Blitz….Stubborn As A Mule by Juliette Poe

        Down in Whynot, NC, there are three things that hold true: 1) life moves just a little bit slower, 2) family means everything, and 3) you don’t mess with history. When his family decides to sell a home that’s been part of their history for over a century, Lowe Mancinkus is […]