
R.L. Griffin’s 40TH Birthday Celebration!!!

R.L. Griffin is celebrating her 40TH Birthday by giving you the best gifts –

ALL her books at $.99!!!!

Plus she’s having a giveaway for a $40 Amazon Giftcard over on her Facebook  page!!

By a Thread (By a Thread #1)

Stella’s future was set, and it was a bright one. She was engaged to a man she adored, and was headed to law school in the fall. Tragically, her perfectly planned future ends just as it was beginning.

With no ties to family or friends, Stella finds herself alone in a new city, spiraling out of control. Her typical day comes to a close with her passed out on the floor; sometimes clothed.

Luckily, her new roommate, essentially a stranger, is dead set on getting Stella past her grief and back to functioning within society. Putting one foot in front of the other, she climbs up from the bottom of a bottle. Even with all her progress, Stella walks through life unfeeling, numb. Defiant, she sends out warning signals for the world to keep away. But, is that what she really wants?

With the steadfast help of a few tight knit friends, she gradually begins to feel again. She starts to savor the flavor of food again; lets herself notice how the handsome bartender glances at her. Still, after allowing herself a fling, she wonders if she will ever be able to let go of her shattered past, fully enjoy the present, or get over what she thought would be her perfect future and with the man who destroyed her heart.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qXXdND

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2pQZLNq

B&N: https://goo.gl/jToR1p

Kobo: https://goo.gl/aOczjH

iBooks: https://goo.gl/BvtRre

Tension (By a Thread #2)

The Stella who emerges from the rubble of the bombing in Montana is a woman full of conflict. She knows she should be grateful that she lived when others didn’t, but after waking in the hospital as a celebrity, complete with a new moniker, she’s bitter and distrustful, questioning everything in her life. She’s unsure of her friends, her new boyfriend, and her job. In addition, a face from the past reappears and threatens to take the one good thing in her life.

Stella attempts to deal with the new scrutiny of her life with her usual sense of humor, but she’s filled with a new emotion that she tries desperately to hide: HATE. Her recovery is hastened by her determination to find the man who turned her into a walking scar. She’s going to kill him; she needs to kill him.

Stella isn’t alone. She has her close friends and her dog, Cooper. Will their support be enough to help Stella accomplish her plan, or will this endeavor be her undoing?

This book is intended for mature audiences due to strong language and sexual content.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qY9G4f

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2rxnCOG

B&N: https://goo.gl/jRd0f1

Kobo: https://goo.gl/3fJyJR

iBooks: https://goo.gl/NQVpyO


Seamless (By a Thread #3)

Professional, successful, survivor Stella has mastered the art of appearances and conquering what life throws at her. Time after time, she chooses to fight even though she’s consistently poised to break. It’s that fight to get her life back, to make things right, to survive that defines who she is. She’s been loved, left, lost, blown up, shot, and exploited. Physically, she’s almost completely put back together. Mentally, Stella’s one step from a vindictive retaliation that may or may not be her best choice.

In Seamless, Stella has no choice but to step into the ring with someone who she once loved. It’s a dirty fight that will take all she has. Will she do what it takes to win? Will she make it out alive?

You’ll cheer her on until you realize all is not what it seems. Appearances can be deceiving.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2pZ8id7

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2pQY4zx

B&N: https://goo.gl/uNkbvB

Kobo: https://goo.gl/aDhcQX

iBooks: https://goo.gl/Af212j


Heart in Wire (By a Thread #4)

This book has spoilers in it if you haven’t read the By A Thread series yet, you may not want to read the synopsis. This is a companion book to that series and I highly suggest reading it first. 

Have you ever been involved in an epic love story where you wound up alone? Have you devoted yourself so completely to someone that you lost yourself in their abyss?

Patrick Greer spent the past five years revolving around El. He fought like hell to not feel the emotions for her that were hidden deep in his gut, until he couldn’t anymore. He was so sure of them, of her, of what they were to each other, until he wasn’t.

Patrick couldn’t even imagine the things he’d done for her, with her and to her. El broke him.

He was a liar, a friend, a lover, a fixer, a runner and a killer.

Now he had to figure out who he was without her.

*There are adult situations, tons of cussing and you may enjoy this book with an adult beverage.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qY49KC

Amazon UK:  http://amzn.to/2pQWEVP

B&N: https://goo.gl/vnu0qc

iBooks: https://goo.gl/vaU4TV

Razorblade Kisses

Her name is Emery Shaw…Emily Sanders…Emma Simpson. Her family was well off, she ran. They looked for her, she hid. They found her, she ran again. Tragedy strikes, she gets even. The fact is, she doesn’t know who she is, she tried to run, to hide and make a life for herself, but that backfired. No one knows her except her best friend, Rachel, if that’s even an adequate word for what they are to each other. Rachel helps her build a life for herself below the radar, which is fine until the unthinkable happens, knocking Em out of her unfeeling cocoon. When her house of cards comes tumbling down she runs again, until the one person who can change her mind finds her.

**Due to adult situations, language and possible scenarios that may be difficult for some readers to take…take a breath before you start this one. It’s gritty and not pretty. Nothing is pretty here. Whiskey is a good thing.**

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2pZ4NDN

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2rxuNGw

B&N: https://goo.gl/noC0wX

Kobo: https://goo.gl/aP5RbW

Quiet Lies

I was broken before I met Sebastian Pryor, but he decimated me. I swept the ashes of myself into a pile that I kept safe for thirteen years. Believe me it wasn’t pretty, oh but people thought we were perfect. I hate myself most days. I hate that I feel for him as much as I loathe who I’ve become with him. This story is hard to hear. You know what the worst part is? You’ll see part of you in me. You’ll hate that. You won’t tell anyone.

My story is about cracks. A description or telling of how cracks in a marriage, a life, a personality, a heart and a mind begin and continue for years without anyone knowing. You don’t always see what causes the fissure, but you feel it. Can you remember who you were before all of this started, before your life became a jumble of deceit, longing and regret?

This book isn’t for anyone who needs a happily ever after.

This book isn’t for anyone who needs a fun time out from their life.

This book isn’t for anyone, but me.

This is my story. I won’t apologize for it.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qCzCPD

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2pQQ4P8

B&N: https://goo.gl/c7Leu2

Kobo: https://goo.gl/mqKad2

iBooks: https://goo.gl/kBl4Aa

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book – thank you R.L. I really enjoyed reading this story.

Rebecca’s story is one that will make you think and look at things in a different light once you finish it. You will find yourself analyzing things a bit more and questioning people’s actions more. Because her story is real, raw and gripping.

“The funny thing about eating things your body can’t process is it eventually comes out, ripping you apart in the process.” 

Rebecca and Sebastian had the perfect life – at least on the outside they did. Rebecca was the perfect puppet but the kicker was she knew it! This story will make you see what she went through and why she endured it. It’s not pretty. It’s effed up in so many ways, you can’t fathom any of it.

I won’t give any details or specifics because one piece will take away from the whole book. Everything part of this book falls into the next part – everything is pieced together perfectly. I have mixed feelings on Rebecca – she is strong yet at the same time she is weak. Sebastian – I absolutely loathe this man – I have not ounce of any compassion towards him.

“My body is not my own. My mind belongs to someone else. I don’t know how to get them both back.”

R.L. wrote a magnificent story that will touch everyone. It will open your eyes. It will move you in some way. My only teeny, tiny gripe is parts of the middle dragged on a bit for me but overall, I loved the flow of the book. I loved how we are given the present and then flipped to the past to things she remembers – not just pivotal points in her life but gives you a better understanding of her life.

This book will captivate you. It’s a story about love, betrayal, deceit. Just when you think you know everything, another bomb is dropped adding a whole new twist to the story. Everything is not what it seems.

A hauntingly beautiful story.

Bleed the Water Red

When Kate Tennison returns to the low country of South Carolina it’s with her tail tucked between her legs. She doesn’t want to be there and face the love of her life, who’s now married with a child. Distance has not broken the spell of fear that surrounds why she ran from her home in the first place.

Her story is a tragic one.

Mom in rehab.

Father dead.

Career annihilated.

When we run from something looking back over our shoulder, we miss the scars on the arms that now hold us.

Can the magic of the water heal her wounded heart or does something dangerous lurk underneath the perfect features of the new man she’s decided to take a chance on?

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2rximLP

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2pR5aEs

B&N: https://goo.gl/tWYbpb

3.5 Stars

First off, let me tell you that I enjoy reading R.L.’s stories. Her book, Quiet Lies is one of my favorite books and my favorite by her. And I was so hoping that this book would rank right up there with it. But somewhere along the lines, things fell short for me.

Bleed The Water Red is not a bad book by any means. I know a lot will enjoy this book more than I. And I do hate that I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I wanted to. But let me explain myself.

The plot line was amazing. I love how we were given small snippets throughout the story and were able to piece together our own thoughts. What I didn’t like was how things felt disjointed at times. It’s hard to explain without giving away parts of the story, but things are left out it seems or overlooked. It makes the writing come across as scattered. And that’s what hurt the story and pace for me. I felt all over the place at times. And I do understand that part of a psychological thriller is to have pieces left out, but in this particular scenario, the pieces were obvious but at the same killed the vibe for me. I knew what would happen in the end because of this. And for me, that really sucked.

Like I said, this book is good. I love R.L. and her writing. However, her writing in this book was not what I have to come expect from her. I know that this story came to her fast and I get that you just need to get it out. However, as a beta reader, proofreader and editor, there are a lot of things that I personally would have changed/edited. I am in no way knocking any of the proofreaders or editors on this, there is nothing wrong in that aspect. But for me, certain things were not working and made it plainly obvious what the outcome was going to be.

The characters are very well written. I love their backgrounds and where they are from. The amazing friendship between Layla, Poppy and Austin is awesome – I love these three so much. I enjoyed learning about Layla’s past with Gent and how all that comes together in the end. This part of the story was beautiful and heart-wrenching to watch unfold. Layla has some growing struggles to deal with it and does come in to her own eventually. It’s a really good story with different avenues that all come together in the end.

With that being said, please give the book a chance. It’s a great story line. I loved how this is tied to Quiet Lies. If you have read it before, you will like the tie-in. If you haven’t, it won’t hurt the story at all. I gave this book 3.5 stars because my only gripe was the disjointedness that I felt and how I was able to figure the ending immediately but the overall story line was what kept me moving forward and not stopping.

Will I continue to read R.L.’s books – hell yes! She’s writes amazing stories. This one just want for me and that sometimes happens. But it won’t stop me from reading any of her books.

Sunshine & Whiskey (Drinking #1)

Sometimes the best things in life come from the unexpected. So if you lower your expectations, then you’ll never be disappointed. Sound cheesy? It is, but it’s also true. Clichés come from a grain of truth…like a man with a Porsche is compensating for something, or once a cheater always a cheater—you get the idea. Sorry, I digress. I’m supposed to be telling you what this book is about.

I’m Megan Walker, a lawyer at one of the hottest boutique law firms in Atlanta. I’m on the fast track to making partner and have my entire life planned out…or I did.

We all know how that goes, right? Best laid plans and all that.

Life just threw me a couple curveballs, so I’ve set out to take things into my own hands. By throwing caution to the wind and getting out of my A-type personality bubble, I’m learning more about myself than I have in my twenty-seven years.

Sound like a chick flick, doesn’t it?

It’s not.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qXVrw8

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2rxtaZo

B&N: https://goo.gl/xZyxcD

Kobo: https://goo.gl/NSTs9X

iBooks: https://goo.gl/G2Chgh

Manbuns & Martinis (Drinking #1.5)

My name is Brad Ellis. You think you know me. You don’t know shit. I’ve been a hustler my entire life. I work three jobs to get what I want, but I’m not there yet. I live with a roommate that has been my best friend for over a decade and we make it work, but life is hard. It’s always been hard, until I met Megan Walker.

Sometimes people come into your life and you think it’s just for fun and games. Then they turn into one of the most important people. Don’t take anyone for granted, because as soon as you do they will be gone.

I’m a cover model.

I’m a dreamer.

Never stop hustling.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2rknt4V

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2rxjgag

B&N: https://goo.gl/xvuYS4

Kobo: https://goo.gl/ESBm3R

I enjoyed reading this novella about Brad Ellis, aka “Meat.” And as scary as it is the admit this, I didn’t know who he was because my dumbass has yet to read Sunshine and Whiskey (please don’t beat me)! But I promise at some point that I will.

But back to the book. This was very entertaining and humorous read. It’s the backstory on Meat, who is obviously in Sunshine and Whiskey. However, I can attest that if you have not read it (like my moronic self), you are still ok, it not better, reading this first. It gives you a glimpse of who is he and what goes on inside his head.

I have to say – RL does a fantastic job of writing from a male’s POV. They really aren’t hard creatures to figure out. LOL However, this book will have you laughing, wanting to smack Meat upside the head and also high-fiving Madison.

RL – I loved this and look forward to reading more from you!

About R.L. Griffin

R.L. lives in the Atlanta area with her husband, son, and two dogs. After going to law school at American University, Washington College of Law, she settled back in the state in which she grew up but only after she fell in love with D.C. She worked in the Senate during the impeachment trial and the Department of Justice.

Website: http://rlgriffinauthor.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/R.L.GriffinByAThread/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RLGriffinauthor

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2rkzqHv

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1254833.R_L_Griffin


  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Great reviews court!!! ,shared on my socials!!

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