
The Texas Mutiny Series by M.E. Carter…Sale Blitz and Relaunch

Today we are helping M.E. Carter relaunch her Texas Mutiny series! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today—Juked is free today!


About Texas Mutiny:

The Texas Mutiny Soccer team is known for their skills on the soccer field.  They work cohesively as a team, and their bond shows.

But off the field, each team member has a unique story.

Daniel Zavaro , Team Captain.  A self-proclaimed bachelor who loves nothing more important to Daniel than soccer, his extended family, and his mother’s home cooking.  When fate steps in and he inadvertently meets a woman who needs his help, Daniel is Juked by love.

Rowen Flanighan, The Rookie.  Son of a legendary forward in the European Premier League, he prefers to be known for his own skills, not his heritage.  Full of integrity, he tries to maintain his cool when he meets and falls for the team Groupie.

Santos DeGuajardo, The Veteran.  A family man at heart, Santos is madly in love with his wife and kids, yet he still can’t seem to stay faithful.  When confronted with his infidelities and the end of his marriage, Santos must figure out if he can win her back or if he has to move on.  And as long as he’s the team Goalie, there will always be temptation.

Have you been “Juked” by the boys of the Texas Mutiny yet?




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Ten Fun Facts about the Texas Mutiny:


Every author has their own writing process.  The things that make them most comfortable and help them reach their goals.

Problem is, characters seem to have a mind of their own and sometimes that means the original process goes out the window!

I experienced that phenomenon over and over while writing the Texas Mutiny series.  Here are Ten Fun Facts about the series and how the writing process didn’t exactly go as planned.

1)      My youngest child, who most know as “Bug”, is the inspiration for multiple younger characters in the series.  When I wrote Juked, baby Chance started out as a two month old – the same age Bug was at the time.  When I wrote Goalie, Theo was about 14 months old – the same age Bug was at the time.  I try to keep the characters different, but babies/toddlers all tend to be pretty similar in their learning process, so many everyday situations have been added to various scenes.

2)     I never planned to write a book about a groupie.  But when inspiration hits, there’s not a lot you can do to stop it.  I was in my car writing Juked one night, while my daughter was in dance practice.  I was researching derogatory terms for “soccer groupie”.  (For the record, there are several terms, but nothing I’ve been able to find that is exclusive to the sport of soccer, like “puck bunny” would be to hockey.)  Instead, I stumbled across several blog posts from former soccer groupies and I was fascinated.  So yes, some of the things that happen in Groupie?  They’re not the result of my imagination at work as much as they are based on true stories.

3)     I never panned to write Goalie either.  One of my beta readers for Groupie mentioned that she would be interested to know what happened with Santos and Mariana, who were at that point, just secondary characters that popped in and out very briefly.  I told her there wasn’t a story there.  The following morning, I sent her quite a few texts cussing her out, as I suddenly had a 30 chapter outline and story rolling through my brain.

4)     Goalie is about a couple going through a divorce.  I wrote it while I was going through a divorce.  There’s a misconception that I wrote my own divorce story.  I didn’t.  We could all be so lucky as to divorce a man like Santos.  Which is weird to say since he’s a serial cheater.  But if you make it to the end, you’ll see why I can wish for that.

5)     I’m not a fan of naked torsos on covers, but I wanted to try a “Social experiment”, if you will, about how well a naked torso cover is received.  That’s how Juked ended up with a soccer player on the cover.  Then it turned into a whole series and I have to keep the covers consistent with more torsos.  Serves me right.

6)     Speaking of covers, one really cool feature with the paperback, if you put two of them side by side, the second one upside down, and push the covers together, the pictures come together like a puzzle to make one whole person.   It works with the covers of Groupie, too.  However, it does NOT work with Goalie.  If you put those two pictures together, it looks like a threesome with a four-boobed alien woman in the middle.  That’s a different genre, altogether.

7)     I toyed with just letting the soccer team be the Houston Dynamo, which is our actual team here in Houston.  Then the inspiration for Groupie hit and I figured their very real PR department wouldn’t want to have any sort of association with some of the things my players do off the field.  And since a lawsuit didn’t fit into my schedule, I very quickly changed the team name.

8)     Speaking of changing the team name, I couldn’t come up with one I liked for anything!  So I had a contest in my group for one.  The winner, Helen Cope, came up with the name “Texas Mutiny”.  Not only did she win some books, she is a character in Juked.  Remember Rosemary Cope?  Erik’s mother?  Helen’s middle name is Rosemary and liked the sound of it for the character.

9)     In the acknowledgements of each Texas Mutiny book (except Megged) is the name John Marshall.  He is the husband of a good friend of mine and has been obsessed with all things soccer since he can remember.  He’s in his 40’s and still plays on a competitive league.  John has never read a romance book in his life until he beta read the entire series.  It’s not uncommon for him to send me notes from his job because he’s gotten caught up in a chapter.  His wife has even texted me pictures of him reading my books the day they go live, so he can see the final product!  I also been told the conversations they had while he beta read Groupie were, um…. Interesting.

10)  My favorite characters in this series, by far, are Tiffany and Rowen.  There is something so lovely and wonderful about knowing nothing in your past matters to the person that loves you the most.  I love them so much that they are getting a second book, tentatively titled Outswinger.  It’s scheduled to release in July.



About the Author:

My name is ME Carter and I have no idea how I ended writing books. I’m more of a story teller (the more exaggerated the better) and I happen to know people who helped me get those stories on paper.

I love reading (read almost 300 books last year), hate working out (but I do it anyway because my trainer makes me), love food (but hate what it does to my butt) and love traveling to non-touristy places most people never see.

I live in Houston with my four kids, Mary, Elizabeth, Carter and Bug, who was just a twinkle in my eye when I came up with my pen name. Yeah, I’ll probably have to pay for his therapy someday for being left out.


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  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Shared on all my socials!!

  2. Sounds great! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Latifa Morrisette says

    Love this post! Thanks for the chance!

  4. Bea LaRocca says

    Great teasers! I love sports romance! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Sounds fantastic. Thanks for the chance.

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