
If Tomorrow Never Comes Part 1 & 2 by Sophie Slade….Blog Tour with Review

Book Title: If Tomorrow Never Comes (Part 1 & 2)
Author: Sophie Slade
Genre: Erotic Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 15, 2016
Cover Credit for If Tomorrow Never Comes, by: Sophie Slade:
Alyssa Collins Pic:
Photographer: Jamie Saveal Photography
Model: Nycole Craft
Cover Design: TNT Book Cover Designs
Logan pic and back cover pic: Depositphotos.com
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Part 1


Part 2


book blurb

On her way to Nashville to try her hand at a singing career, Alyssa Collins meets Logan Ambrose, her soul mate in every way. Not only is he a great singer and guitar player, he has a down-to-earth personality to die for. Soon, he proposes and they make plans for the future, but everything changes in an instant. A month later, she wakes from a coma only to learn that her life has changed forever.

Lost and distraught, Alyssa tries to make sense of her life. Needing to make a change, she puts her singing career behind her and finds herself in law school. Ten years later, she is a lawyer at a prestigious firm.

When Alyssa goes to New York for a political fund raiser, something happens that changes her life again. With more questions than answers, can she find it in herself to go on with her life … if tomorrow never comes?


If Tomorrow Comes, Part 1:

“Thank you, Nashville!” I yelled into the mic after the song came to an end. “Goodnight!”

I turned around to leave the stage, and the lead singer from the other band was still waiting in the wings, clapping wildly. I was surprised that he was still there.

As I ran off the stage, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss, taking me by surprise. I pulled back, and over his shoulder … was Logan.

“What the hell are you doing?” I yelled into the guy’s face. “Get off me!” I struggled against his grasp.

As if in slow motion, Logan closed his eyes and turned and walked away.

“Logan, no!” I yelled over the crowd, trying to go after him once I finally broke free of Gargantuan. But strong arms caught me. I looked up and into Craig’s eyes.

“Sorry, kitten, but you have to do an encore,” he said over the crowd. “Listen.” The crowd was chanting my name over and again.

“No!” I yelled over their cheers. “Logan…”

“Will understand. But right now, you need to go back out there.”

“But I have to explain!” I yelled over the crowd.

“Explain later,” he said over the crowd, whose cheers grew louder. “But you have to go out there … now! Before they tear the place apart.”

I turned around. My band was standing close by, watching, having heard and seen everything.

“He’s right, Missy,” Noah said. It was his nickname for me, short for Little Missy. “We have to go back out there.”

I nodded as I pulled myself together and focused on the moment. The greatest moment of my life had turned into a disaster within the matter of seconds. Then, I turned to Gargantuan. “What the hell was that?” He shrugged, enjoying my anger. “Don’t you ever pull anything like that again! I don’t give a shit who you are!”

He bit his lower lip in an effort to conceal a cocky grin, obviously enjoying the reprimand a bit too much. “Yes, ma’am.”

Brett bumped his shoulder against Gargantuan as he passed. “Get him out of here,” he said to a nearby bouncer. The rest of the guys glared at him protectively.

If Tomorrow Never Comes, Part 2:

“Thank you for such a wonderful evening,” I said as Logan walked me to my door. “I had a wonderful time.”

“The pleasure was mine,” he said as his eyes suddenly smoldered. Then, he took my hand and raised it to his lips and kissed it, never taking his eyes from mine.

My heart pounded within my chest at the simple gesture. “Well, I’d better go inside,” I said, my voice merely a whisper.

But as I turned to walk away, he took my hand and wrapped his arms around me. Without taking his eyes from mine, he smoothed my hair away from my face … and I couldn’t look away. An instant later, his lips descended upon mine, gently at first, and then with a passion unmatched by man. As he slid his hand down my back and cupped my ass, I didn’t stop him, although I knew I would pay for it later emotionally. Then, he pulled me abruptly to him, and I could feel his erection through his trousers, fitting perfectly against my clit, even through my dress. Even though it was just one kiss, it was the single most erotic moment of my life.

He pulled back, and I caught my breath as his lips moved down my jawline to the hollow under my ear and breathed against my skin. “Stay the night with me, Allie.”

My breath quickened. Although I wanted to say yes with every fiber of my being, my mind was saying no. I wanted to tell that part of me to shut up, but it couldn’t be ignored. “Logan, we have so much to talk about…”

“I know,” he said, cutting me off as he pushed my hair back over my shoulder, away from my neck, and then looked in to my eyes. “But I need you, Allie. It can be just for tonight if you like, but I need you.” He kissed my neck, and then traveled down, pulling my dress away from the top of my breast, and gave me a kiss.

“Logan, I need more time,” I whispered, delirious with passion.

He kissed down farther, mere inches from my nipple as I closed my eyes. We were standing in the hallway, but at that moment, I didn’t care who may have walked by. “Allie, I understand that you need more time, and I’ll give it to you … all the time you need. But I missed you,” he said, his eyes pleading. “I’ve missed you so much … and I need you. And if it ends up being just for tonight, then I can handle it.” His lips descended upon mine as his hand slid down to my breast. Then, he drew circles with his thumb around my nipple over my dress as he pulled me to his chest. “I know you may not want to hear this now,” he said under my ear as he kissed my throat. Then, he looked into my eyes and gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “But I want you, Allie. Be mine, even if it’s just for the night … please.”


book trailer

Sophie Slade, what can I say, took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions during this entire book. I loved that! One moment I was happy, then giddy, then sad, then angry, then happy and then a WTH. If Tomorrow Never Comes is not the typical book were the couple finds each other and they live happily ever after. Oh and that couple, Alyssa and Logan, I wanted nothing more than to be a couple. The story starts off with Alyssa moving to Nashville at the age of 18 and all by herself so she can pursue her dreams of becoming a singer. It is in a diner she meets Logan, who is charming and you will just love him! It seems as if all is going perfect for Alyssa in the beginning and just about in the middle Sophie Slade makes me have the first drop on that rollercoaster I was talking about. There is just always some outside force keeping these two from being with each other. For instance, the coma Alyssa was in. Events in Alyssa’s life make her change her dreams of being a famous singer and maybe even her feelings for Logan! I know I was so upset but this is where it is a wonderful thing to have Part 2 available right away. I did not have to wait for the second part to come out.

As in the first book, Alyssa and Logan have an undeniable attraction to each other but things have changed so much in their lives since they have been separated. The chemistry jumps of the pages with these two and it is a wonderful giddy read. The second book was so even better than the first! I loved reading how they find themselves back to each other but I cannot tell you if it last…. *wink wink


meet the author

Sophie Slade is the author of Erotic Romance. She started writing TOUCHED BY A VAMPIRE, never intending to publish it. However, her husband read it, loved it, and encouraged her to finish writing the book. Now, she is the author of TOUCHED BY A VAMPIRE and CROSSROADS, books 1 and 2 in her ETERNALLY YOURS SERIES. The next book in the series, TO LOVE A VAMPIRE, is coming soon. The stand-alone book IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES, Parts 1 and 2, is coming in January. Sophie has a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, News Editorial sequence, from the University of Tennessee at Martin, and a minor in English. Sophie is a full-time author and resides in Florida with her husband and children.

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  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Great review court!!! ,shared on all my socials!!

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