
Into Her Fantasies by Angel Payne….Release Event


She’s the I’ve-Got-This of Happy-Ever-After…until a perfect prince becomes her ultimate fantasy.

He’s just a client…
So Lucy Fava tells herself when arriving on the Island of Arcadia, desperate to save her wedding planning company by securing the year’s biggest bash: a double Cimarron wedding. But first she must impress the man holding the kingdom’s purse strings: Prince Shiraz Cimarron.

Beyond beautiful and unspeakably alpha, the enigmatic male ignites every drop of Lucy’s blood—and a flood of dark, dangerous fantasies. She vows to leave Arcadia as soon as possible, but when Mother Nature grounds her, she can’t resist a taste of her fiery desire for Shiraz.

It’s just a fling…
The words become Lucy’s mantra, even as she discovers the man beneath the three-piece suits, the soul hidden in his perfect body, the lover beyond his regal kisses. The dominant fantasy she’s craved her entire life…

It will change her forever.
When real-life pierces their passionate bubble, Lucy realizes how deeply seduction has become addiction, passion has turned into need…attraction has deepened to love. But Shiraz has promised to be his country’s hero by following through on a loveless marriage, meaning it’s time for Lucy to cut her losses and run. Should be easy. She’s done this a thousand times before.

Only never like this.

Never while cutting out her heart at the same time.

Note: Each book of The Cimarron Series can be read as a stand-alone story, though some readers may enjoy the continuity of secondary characters when reading the books in order. Every novel is a stand-alone story with a happy ending.

Book 3 of the series is the explosive love story of Prince Shiraz Cimarron and headstrong American Lucina Fava…


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Hi there. I’m Angel: book lover, writing addict, hopeless romantic, pop culture geek and avid shoe lover.

A bit about me…

I’ve been hooked on books since I was a kid but it got worse in my twenties, when I discovered romances–the hotter, the better. Growing up in Southern California, with lots of surfer manliness surrounded me, was certainly a good boost for reading about delicious alpha guys and the women who adore them. When I learned I had a knack for telling these stories too, I guess you could say I was doomed–though my path toward romance novelist took a few detours via a concert-reviewing gig for my college newspaper (free show tickets…backstage passes…that was a no-brainer), artist interviews for a Beverly Hills dance music mag, personal assistant work for a record producer, dance club disc jockey, and a lot of fun in the hospitality industry.

These days, I still live in California, and have found an amazing alpha guy of my own who was brave enough to marry me. We live on a street that looks like Brigadoon, with our beautiful daughter. I have the best life ever, and never forget to thank the Big Guy Upstairs for it, either.





  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Shared on all my socials

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