I love the premise of this book. However, the delivery fell short for me.
This was an extremely quick read and I felt that it could have been longer and more detailed in a lot scenarios throughout the book.
As a debut novel, it’s not too bad. Jennifer has a lot of potential in her writing. The characters were good, but some could use a little more depth to them. I didn’t feel a strong connection to any of them but I did enjoy them. I just had a hard time with some of the reactions of the characters in certain situations – they just didn’t seem natural.
I do like that this story does take place in a small town. I enjoy those types of atmospheres. It gives the book a more homey feeling and helps set a good foundation for future books and other characters.
As I said before, Jennifer has potential here. I just wish the characters had more depth to them. The scenes had more details and the overall picture had more strength to it. The plot is great is just lacked some background details that I think would have helped strengthen everything.
Overall, not a bad a debut novel.

Sometimes, as we all know, one needs a good editor! Thanks for the review…one to keep an eye on.
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