Cody Reynolds had the world at the tip of his fingers: a beautiful fiancee, a promising NFL career, and a Super Bowl ring within his grasp. He was living the American Dream, until a tragic accident threatened everything he knew… Sending him home to Tall Pines, Texas.
The best pediatric trauma nurse in New York City, Angellic Andrews’ life revolved around her career and her boyfriend. Until the night there was one more tragedy on the job–it seemed like one too many for her heart to take… Until her aunt convinced her to give Tall Pines, Texas, a chance for a new life. A new adventure.
What happens when the two people least interested in love meet in a small town?
Have you visited Tall Pines yet?

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I say. And fucking is definitely an appropriate choice of words because my boyfriend, Dr. Joseph Alexander, is plowing Nurse Erin from behind in a way that would make a Midwestern farm boy proud.
“Do you mind?” She whines. Neither of them are looking to see who is watching their liaison.
“Uhh, yeah, I fucking mind!” I shout, slamming the door open against the wall so it makes a sharp crack. Now, that, Joe notices.
“Oh, Angie, it’s not what you think,” he says to me. I tip my head to the side trying to understand the words that are coming from his mouth as he humps the slutty nurse.
“You want to try that again, when your dick isn’t deep in the hospital slut,” I snap. Erin growls. And that asshole is still moving his body in and out of hers. Granted it’s slower than before, but he doesn’t even have the nerve to stop after he’s been caught.
“Actually, I’d kind of like to finish up here,” he snaps back. Erin snickers. “And I’ve been meaning to catch up with you, but I think we should open our relationship up to other people. Would you like to join us?” Umm, say what?
How has my life gotten this crazy? How is it that I am at a juncture in my life where my exclusive boyfriend is asking me if I want to hop into a threesome with him and the bitch I just caught him cheating on me with? Yeah, buddy, I’ll get right on that. Uhhh, no. No just no, but hell no. And also, now looking in from the outside, I can see, Joe really does have kind of a small dick. And he is probably the worst boyfriend in the history of the world. So, I do what any self-respecting woman would do. I take my phone out of my pocket and slide the little camera icon up and snap a bunch of amazingly unattractive pictures of Erin and Joe and Joe’s very tiny penis.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to be available,” I say calmly. “And I quit.”
“Now, just a minute, you can’t quit,” Joe tells me. “This hospital needs you. I need you. Are you going to quit me too?”
“Oh, you betcha, effective immediately,” I smile. “You should have thought about that when you started this. You know, I had come to find you because I had a really tough case and I needed to talk with my boyfriend, but more importantly, my boss, and both were unavailable.” I wave vaguely at their disgusting display. I distractedly start typing on the keyboard on my phone as I turn around and head to the nurses station. My shift is about over so I don’t feel bad about cutting out early, they’ll be fine.
“Oh, and Joe, you might want to get that lesion on your dick looked at. It’s not looking so good,” I toss over my shoulder as I reach the door. Erin let’s out a little shriek and tries to pull away and they both fall off the cot onto the hard floor. I can’t help but laugh.
I make my way over to the nurse’s station and sit down at one of the computers. I start with a new document and attach a picture and a handy little caption about the world’s largest dick having the smallest actual dick and to watch your backs because he’s one whoopsies away from a sexual harassment lawsuit or Venereal Disease. Whichever comes first. And then I hit print times one hundred copies.
“You ok, hon?” Marie asks me.
“Oh, I’m just peachy,” I say in a way she knows that I am not as I carry on with my super important, bridge burning task.
I pick up the stapler and make sure it’s full, almost like checking the magazine on a gun. I am locked and loaded, baby. And maybe just a bit unhinged. I grab my stack of handy flyers and start stapling them up randomly all over the ER, the nurse’s station, the halls, the elevator. I even taped a bunch to the on call room. The whole time, Marie is watching me with a smirk on her face.
“You should know, Marie, Joe and I are no longer together,” I inform her.
“You don’t say, doll?” She says in a way I know she sees all.
“Oh, and you should also know that I no longer work here. Effective immediately,” I tell her honestly.
“I figured that out the minute you started typing up those pictures of your man’s teeny weenie. And by man, I also mean your boss. I’m sure I should tell you as your supervisor to take those down, but seeing as how you no longer work here, I am no longer your supervisor and am no longer inclined to offer up such advice,” she shrugs. “But as your friend, I will tell you that you were always better than him and deserve so much more. So, go down the street, get yourself a pie to go for you and Mable and enjoy your evening with your aunt. Tell her I said hello and that we can all rejoice that you’re no longer seeing that Shit for Brains. Pardon my French.” With that she give me a big hug, hands me my purse out of the bottom drawer of my desk, snatches my security badge off my hip and shoves me out into the world.
“Oh shit,” I say when I stumble out into the cool spring air. “I have no job. Shit.” So, I do what any self-respecting woman would do. I do as I was told and I go buy Mable and I a mile high chocolate satin pie and head home to the brownstone I share with my aunt.

Jennifer is a 32 year old lover of words, all words: the written, the spoken, the sung (even poorly), the sweet, the funny, and even the four letter variety. She is a native of San Diego, California where she grew up reading the Brownings and Rebecca with her mother and Clifford and the Dog who Glowed in the Dark with her dad, much to her mother’s dismay.
Jennifer is a graduate of California State University San Marcos where she studied Criminology and Justice Studies. She is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta.
10 years ago, she was swept off her feet by her very own sailor. Today, they are happily married and the parents of a 7 year old and 6 year old twins. She can often be found on the soccer fields, drawing with her children, or reading. Jennifer is convinced that if she puts her fitbit on one of the dogs, she might finally make her step goals. She loves a great romance, an alpha hero, and lots and lots of laughter.
This sounds fabulous! Shelved on Goodreads and will be looking for this book! Thanks!
Great sounding read!!,shared on all my socials