
It’s our 4th Birthday!


…and we want to party!

Well, it’s hard to believe it, but Read-Love-Blog has turned four years old!  And in honor of four amazing years, we each have a fab giveaway for you!  They include books, swag, ebooks, and fun book related goodies and a grand prize…KINDLE FIRE!

You can enter as many of them as you’d like through the Rafflecopters below 🙂

 We each wrote a little bit about what we love about this crazy amazing book world with our giveaways and we hope you enjoy them!

Thanks for an amazing four years and here’s to many more! 


Jillian’s Giveaway:

A Favorite of mine: Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon (I always have to give a shoutout to Ash and Simi – right, Liz!?)

FOUR YEARS?!? As long ago as it seems, it feels like yesterday.  It started with a friend asking me if I’d like to write reviews for her blog and after a wonderful time with her, deciding to give my own blog a go.  I had no idea what I was doing.  Knew nothing about websites or Netgalley.  Nothing about HTML code or how to upload media.  There were more than a few bouts of frustrated tears learning it all but here we are!  So many amazing things have happened in those four years and I’ve met some of my closest friends through all of it.  To say that I’m so grateful and humbled every day is a gross understatement.  In my giveaway, each author and book holds a special place in my heart for a variety of reasons and it seemed fitting to give a nod to them in this celebration! Of course, I have to say a big THANK YOU to every author who has stuck around for the last four years, for sharing our posts, retweeting us, and just lending their support.  I know there are a whole lot of blogs out there and it means more than I can ever say to have your support. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart!  I wish I could give away one of each of your books because we adore all of you!! I also have to say that the gals who blog here with me are five of the greatest gals I know and I am BEYOND thankful they decided to join me on this kick ass ride.  But to you, the person reading this, thank you for being here.  We wouldn’t be here without you!

Happy 4th Birthday, Read-Love-Blog!

(and if you’re curious, here’s our very first post)




Courtney’s Giveaway:

Two favorites of hers: Guardian by Courtney Cole and In the Stillness by Andrea Randall

I have always loved reading since I was little. I love being able to escape into a new world and live the lives of the characters.

I started blogging about 4 years ago. I wanted to let others know about these amazing authors and their books and found out that was the best way to do that.

But what I’ve enjoyed most about blogging is all the amazing people I’ve met and became friends with. I love talking about whatever book I’m reading or discussing other books I’ve read or adding to my TBR list. That’s the most exciting part about blogging.


Emily’s Giveaway:


I love to read because each book is a new, exciting adventure. I love being immersed in the lives of the characters that I am reading about.

I love blogging because when I love a book, I can’t wait to share it with the world!


Rina’s Giveaway:

A favorite of hers: Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews

Audiobooks liven up the monotony of my everyday. There is not a workday that goes by where I don’t squeeze in a book, whether it be on my commute or to keep my mind occupied while filing. Horror and paranormal romance are my go-to genres. Stephen King, J.R. Ward, Jonathan Maberry, and Ilona Andrews are a few of my auto-buy favorites.


Shannon’s Giveaway:

I always loved to read growing up. I remember loving Sweet Valley High books of all things. However, as I grew up and became a teenager, books were not important at all. Seriously who has time to read when you have to drive around town. I eventually found my love of reading once again when I was home sick with the stomach flu and I had Twilight in my hands. I started this book and I could not put it down (only to puke of course). I had a little girl, a job and a husband that worked a lot out of town. This left little time for me, myself and I. Why all this is important is because it is the reason I love to read. I love that it gives me an escape from all the crazy of being a mom and a housewife. I love that I get to wrap myself up in others worlds. I love that reading makes me tired when my mind is going a mile a minute. I love that I can hear grown up conversations, yes granted in my head but still it is not someone asking me for a snack. I love reading and especially blogging because I can share all my favorite books with all the giddiness I want and others understand why. I love blogging because there is nothing better than praising someone for a job well done and a simple thank you for making my day a little better. Something I feel is not done a lot in this world lately. I love that in a digital world, writing and reading, is an art that will never die and bloggers are part of that. I am grateful to be part of something bigger than me and I love that it involves people who share things I love with a passion for it. With that being said, I would like to thank Jillian and friends at Read-Love-Blog for letting me invade their world and allowing me ramble on why people should read a book I love. I would also like to thank my puke for bringing something I love into my life and maybe for helping me lose those 6 pounds 🙂 Congratulations to Read-Love-Blog for four years! Cheers!!!


Stacey’s Giveaway:

A favorite of hers: Tie: The Highwayman by Kerrigan Byrne and The Beast by J.R. Ward

When it comes to books it can be so hard to choose favorites. What’s that? Yes, yes I am making excuses for having a tie. (And, really, a couple of runner-ups.) But I couldn’t pick one over the other. I’ve spent a lot of time reading historical romances lately as opposed to my main jam, paranormal romance. But the paranormal romance I did read reminded me why I love the genre. And the historical romances I’ve been reading have done just what I love in a good book — transported me to another time and place and immersed me in a world I can only imagine. I’ve read a lot of great books and have so many favorite authors, but there were a few standouts in the past couple of years. The Highwayman by Kerrigan Byrne just floored me. The writing is so vivid and lush and just damn good. Throw in a hero badly in need of redemption, which I find irresistible, and I was glued to the pages. Glued. I also fell in love with Eva Leigh’s Wicked Quills of London series. Forever Your Earl was so smart and witty and charming and was wrapped up in a nice little package of romance and feminism. I could teach a class on that book it had so much layered in between the romance. In the PNR genre, my love of the series was reignited by J.R. Ward’s The Beast. I’d kind of fallen out of love with the Black Dagger Brotherhood, but this book gutted me. I don’t often cry when I read, but good God I bawled like a baby. Rhage and Mary, *sigh*, so good. Another new-to-me author was Asa Maria Bradley. Her paranormal Viking series is SO MUCH FUN. It reminded me of the earlier BDB books and had me impatiently waiting for the next in the series.

Happy 4th Birthday, Read-Love-Blog!





Enter to win a Kindle Fire!




  1. Happy Anniversary RLB ladies!!! Here’s to many more! *raises glass* Cheers!

  2. Kathy Valentine says

    Happy 4th birthday blog birthday Jillian ,Courtney,Emily,Rina,Shannon and Stacey!!!! I love all you ladies!!!! This is my favorite blog!!! You ladies always have great reviews, I like that you don’t tear any writer up. What’s not a good read to one person might be a great read to somebody else. You all do this and I love it!!! Here’s to many more years of great reviews from the great ladies of ReadloveBlog!!!

  3. Happy 4th Birthday to the amazing blogging crew at Read-Love-Blog! I’ve never gone wrong with a rec from you lovely ladies. Congratulations!

  4. Jo-Ann Forrest says


  5. Happy Anniversary!!! And thank you for doing this awesome giveaway, you rock! =)

  6. Four years! Wow! Good for you all and thank you for all your wonderful work! Looking forward to many more years!

  7. Happy Anniversary, Ladies!! Congratulations!

  8. Alexandra A says

    Happy anniversaty! <3 Thank you for all your hard work! <3

  9. Happy Anniversary!
    Best wishes for many more great and wonderful blogging years ahead 🙂
    Thanks for all super great giveaways 🙂

  10. Happy Blogaversary!

  11. Happy Anniversary, and thanks for these giveaway chances! 🙂

  12. Thank you so much!!!!!

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