
Atticus and Hazel by Fisher Amelie…Cover Reveal

The True Story of #AtticusandHazel drops #Halloween! 10/31 If you enjoyed Fisher Amelie’s Callum & Harper, then you’ll love Atticus and Hazel!
It only took a second.

Overwhelming chemistry isn’t something anyone ever prepares you for. It’s not like your mama sits you down and warns you one day you might stumble upon someone impossible to resist, someone who sets your soul on fire. Combustible, explosive attraction is just the tip of the iceberg for Atticus Kelly and Hazel Stone. One touch between them can set them on fire, one word from their lips can send them careening, one look can cripple them to their knees. They are an inferno and they’re approaching the end of their wick.

Burning too fast, way too fast.

Except there’s nothing to temper the fever.

And the ramifications may be more than they can afford.

Everyone knows when it goes up in flames, there’s no saving the kindling.

The decision only took a second. Just a second.

“Hazel, what happened?”

Come read the first chapter of The True Story of Atticus and Hazel! Start at Vilma’s Book Blog for the first half and end at Natasha is a Book Junkie for the second!


  1. kathy valentine says

    shared on all my socials

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