
Of Flame and Light by Cecy Robson…Blog Tour Stop, Review, & Excerpt

The fire she once mastered so easily has become her greatest adversary 
and is now slowly burning her alive . . .


Weird Girls #7
Cecy Robson
Releasing Oct 18th, 2016


Taran Wird holds the unique ability
to conjure fire and lightning. She is mated to Gemini, Second in Command to
the Squaw Valley Pack of the Lake Tahoe Region, and the sole werewolf to
possess the ability to split into two wolves. And although they are mates, Taran’s
insecurities have driven them apart. 
Devastated by an injury that left
her with a zombie-like limb, Taran struggles to regain command over her magic.
But when her arm and her power turn against her, lashing out on those she most
loves, she knows she can no longer carry this burden alone. Not that she likes
the alternative.
The only way to regain control of
her magic is to align and learn from the local coven of witches―the very ones
who sought to banish her when she and her three unique sisters first moved to
the mystical region. But although Taran is trying, the teachings don’t come
easy, and the tasks leave her weak and emotionally shattered.
Yet Taran must learn and learn fast.
Time is running out. The fire she once mastered so easily has become her
greatest adversary and is now slowly burning her alive . . .

My Review:

Okay, so I was a little nervous when I first picked up Of Flame and Light. It’s in first person POV, not my favorite, and it’s book seven for the Weird Sisters, but my first book in the series. We’re already at two strikes and I’m only on page one!

I shouldn’t have worried. I mean, you do lose a bit of continuity and backstory if you’re not reading them in order, but it didn’t dampen my enjoyment of this story too much and I was able to keep up.

I loved the world –building. Enough to want to go back to the beginning of the series and start from there. Taran was fun. Thrown into a situation where she has to train with a coven of witches that she’s not exactly friendly with in order to regain control of her magic, Taran is forced to admit she’s not always the tough guy. I really liked watching her grow and learn. She’s a fighter.

The romance with Gemini was at turns incredibly annoying and incredibly fun and satisfying. Two stubborn people who can’t see what’s in front of him can get tiresome after awhile, but it all worked out in the end and I was invested in them as a couple.

Nice pacing, very cool world-building, and a whole cast of interesting characters = a good read.


Three-and-a-Half Loves

Stacey Sig



I hurry forward when I realize I’m just standing there, gaping at them.

I don’t think I take more than a few steps when something crunches beneath the sole of my left boot. I think it’s a stick, but the sound seems off, especially since the ground is so moist. I lift my foot only to jump away.

“T, you coming?” Shayna calls when I don’t move.

“T?” she asks again.

I swallow hard, hoping I’m imagining things as they run back to me.

“What’s wrong?” Emme asks. Unlike Shayna who’s fired up for all the action about to go down, I can sense the worry in her voice.

“Bren . . .” I begin, pointing to the spot near my feet. “Is that a, um, toe?”

He cocks his head. “Nah.”

Emme places her hand over her heart and sighs. “Oh, good—”

“It’s a thumb,” he answers. He sniffs the air. “Right hand, male, and the poor bastard’s been dead a long time.” He looks ahead. “Yeah, this shit’s not good. Call it in, Shayna, but type it. Don’t use voice-to text.”

“Why, dude?” Shayna asks, reaching for her phone in her back pocket.

“Because I’m not sure how well this bitch can hear, or if she has other things listening for her,” he responds.

He motions ahead to a crow. It squawks twice in our direction and flutters away.

Shayna lifts her phone to show us the blank screen. “Phone’s dead, kids.” She quickly pockets it and places a handful of toothpicks in her palm. “I wouldn’t bother, Emme,” she adds when Emme reaches for her phone. I doubt any of our phones are working.”

“She’s right,” Bren says. He shoves his phone into the backpack Emme is carrying and peels off his white T-shirt.

“This keeps getting better and better,” I mutter.

Bren strips out of his jeans, leaving only his underwear and shit-kickers on. “Em, stay behind me,” he tells her. “Shayna, you’ve got the rear.”

Which leaves me in front of Shayna and the most protected. I’ll be honest, this helpless damsel in distress role does nothing for my morale.

I march ahead, forcing myself to snap out of the shock of finding some guy’s thumb, push aside my fear, and tap into my inner diva. I remember a little too late that my inner diva is louder and usually sashays in platform stilettos. I slow my steps, careful not to disturb the creepy things hiding in the bushes.

Let me be the first to tell you, woods are bullshit and top of the scales of the scary meter, second only to graveyards. It’s the reason so many horror movies are based here, and why I’m watching out for psychos with machetes lurking behind trees. But given our past experiences, where danger lurks, so do the dark ones. I’ve had my fill of alleyways, construction sites, abandoned structures, but especially these damn eerie woods!

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Cecy Robson is an award-winning
author of magical realms, to-die-for Alpha heroes, and young adult
adventure. A double RITA® 2016 finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, and published
author of more than fifteen titles, you can 
typically find her on her laptop or stumbling blindly in search
of caffeine. 



  1. Kathy Valentine says

    Shared o all my socials,great review stacey

  2. Thank you for reviewing and hosting OF FLAME AND LIGHT today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours

  3. Thank you for the review and feature.

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