
The Cabin by Natasha Preston…Spotlight Feature & Giveaway


There may only be one killer, but no one is innocent in this new young adult thriller from Natasha Preston, author of The Cellar, a New York Times Bestseller,and Awake

They think they’re invincible.

They think they can do and say whatever they want.

They think there are no consequences.

They’ve left me no choice.

It’s time for them to pay for their sins.

A weekend partying at a remote cabin is just what Mackenzie needs. She can’t wait to let loose with her friends. But a crazy night of fun leaves two of them dead—murdered.

With no signs of a forced entry or struggle, suspicion turns to the five survivors. Someone isn’t telling the truth. And Mackenzie’s first mistake? Assuming the killing is over…

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2c2MCGJ

B&N: http://bit.ly/2bQSNyZ

iBooks: http://apple.co/2bQSVyE

BAM: http://bit.ly/2c2NDOS

Cabin(OverviewGraphic) (1)


Can you survive The Cabin?

Starting on August 30, we’ll be releasing a series of questions every Tuesday and Thursday at different locations.

Here’s how you play:

1. Take a look at the schedule below.
2. Go to the location on the specified date.
3. Find The Cabin graphic with the question.
4. Solve the question.
5. Head here to submit your answer for that day’s question.
6. Complete all 8 questions and be entered in to win a $500 Visa gift card! We’ll also be drawing a winner each week who will win a Sourcebooks Fire book bundle!
7. Make sure to submit all answers by September 25, 2016.

Cabin(ScheduleGraphic) (1)

Saturday, August 8

I cracked my eyes open and they were immediately stung by the evil morning light. It didn’t help that the room was a bright yellow. Groaning, I ran my hands over my face. I felt like I’d been hit by a bus. My head throbbed, and every time I swallowed, I felt as if I were downing sawdust. To make matters worse, this time Blake wasn’t waking me up. My hangovers weren’t usually this bad. Last night, I had drunk a lot, but nowhere near enough to feel as awful as I did. When had I become such a humongous lightweight? Blake lay on his side, with one arm and one leg thrown over me. He looked peaceful. Whatever weighed on his mind during the day didn’t trouble him while he slept.

Biting my lip, I watched him sleep, feeling a bit like a creeper. I had never had a one–night stand, so my experience with the morning after was nonexistent. I knew the general idea was to leave ASAP, but in this situation, that was impossible. We were spending the weekend in the same secluded place, and it’s not like I had my own car.

Oh God. I had a one–night stand! I tried to calm myself. It’s fine. You’re an adult, remember? Adults do this all the time. But I didn’t. Why had I allowed myself to sleep with Blake when I hadn’t even known him twenty–four hours?

Shut up, it’s fine. You’re allowed to be into a guy, to have a good time.

I had to get a grip. There was nothing I could do to change what had happened. But neither of us needed to freak out or make this awkward—-and by neither of us, I meant me. We were attracted to each other and acted on it. We were both into it, both consenting adults. It’d be fine. Besides, I felt too ill to worry much anyway.

Pushing myself up, I flopped and fell back against the mattress. My heavy stomach rolled. Oh God. I had no energy. I needed water, aspirin, and to throw up the remaining alcohol that was still sloshing around in my system.

Never again. Never ever, ever, ever again.

My movements woke Blake. He removed his hand from my stomach and rubbed his face. “I feel like death,” he groaned.

Blushing because of the situation we were in, I replied, “Join the club.”

He smiled at me. “How do you not look like hell in the morning? I mean, you’ve got that stunning, post–sex glow that’s turning me on.”

Seriously? “How can you feel like crap and still want sex?”

He replied, “Have you ever seen yourself, Mackenzie?”

His comment made me bite my lip. I didn’t think I was that pretty, but I kind of loved how he saw me. Everyone wanted someone to think they were special, and my ex never had. Blake made me feel sexy and appreciated, which was nice, even if I broke my own rules.

“I…” I what? What did I want to say?

Chuckling quietly, he shoved himself up and reached for his jeans. “I need food and strong coffee. Do you know what everyone has planned for today?”

Following his lead, I grabbed my clothes and started to get dressed. I flicked my gaze at him to make sure he wasn’t looking at me. He was. “We’re going down to the lake to swim. Aaron wants to feed everyone barbecue food all day; then we’re making a bonfire in the evening.”

Blake stilled. “You’re making a fire in the middle of the forest?”

“A small bonfire. We’re not setting trees alight.”

“At least not purposefully,” he muttered. “I’m overseeing that.”

“Oversee away. I’m sure Aaron would love the help.”

“It’s not Aaron I want to hang out with.”


I bit my lip. “Well, good.”

He lifted an eyebrow while staring into my eyes. “Yes, it is.”

If he kept looking at me like that, I was going to explode. I already felt too hot.



  1. Kathy Valentine says

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