
Author Anonymous by E.K. Blair….Review

AUTHOR ANONYMOUS: A True Story told through the voice of E.K. Blair
(a non-series STAND-ALONE book)
Genre: Romance/Drama/Non-Fiction
Release Date: August 29, 2016
A TRUE STORY told through the voice of New York Times Bestselling Author, E.K. Blair.

She’s an author.
She’s a mother.
She’s a wife.
She’s a fraud.

A woman marked and bound by her own deceit, this is the astounding tale of how one choice knocked her world from its axis forcing her to battle through a year of scandal and betrayal, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

This is an intoxicatingly risqué stand-alone true story tangled in lust, heartbreak, and contrition.

Everyone is going to be curious about Author Anonymous. I mean, who wouldn’t be; a tell-all about an author’s demise and not knowing who this author is.  Anyone who says they aren’t the slightest interested, is full of it.  Yes, I am one of the very few who stay away from gossip and drama, but this had my curiosity piqued.  But let me tell you, this is one review that will most difficult to write.
Author Anonymous is more or less a partial memoir for this author.  It’s really hard to write this review without wanting to get personal and point out parts where there are obvious signs that she ignored due to being caught up in the fantasy.  It’s extremely hard for me to see how this author was able to find herself in this situation and that’s where my curiosity came in.  But I find her very brave for wanting to talk about this – this is her personal life and how it all fell apart because of her actions. It takes alot of strength and courage to put herself out there like that, especially when I am sure some will figure out who it really is.
E.K. writes this book beautifully.  You can depict and see what “Tori” and her husband go through.   All the turmoil, emotions and confusion.  My heart broke for Landon, Tori’s husband.  But I applaud him for not once giving up.  There are a few things that he did that I don’t agree with and I think hurt these two working things out quicker but at the same time,Tori didn’t help the situation at all.  Tori is confused and caught up in the excitement of the fantasy.  Alec is Tori’s drug – an addiction she can’t kick, no matter the consequences.
I am hoping that this book will help this author find her way.  It’s not our job as readers to judge her for her actions.  It’s our job to let her know that she has us to support her.  We may not agree with her actions but she’s human.  We all make shit decisions in life but that doesn’t make us a bad person.  This is one book that gave me mixed emotions.  I am just hoping that one day she finds what she wants out of her life.
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