Sometimes it’s the cover and title of a book that makes you gravitate towards a story. There was something about the title, Whiskey & Honey, that gave me the warm book fuzzies right away. Then the cover that hinted at a farm or small town, which is right in my wheelhouse right now. And when I read the blurb and find out it’s one of my favorite tropes—best friend’s brother? I’m all in.
Whiskey & Honey is the perfect anti-dote if you’ve read too many dark, angsty romances. It’s sweet. It’s cute. It’s relatable. The characters are all good, decent people. The only “bad” guys are human beings who make mistakes we all might make.
It’s the story you want to read if you’ve ever had a crush on a friend’s older brother. Boy leaves town for bigger and better things. Boy returns home a few years later and realizes that he belongs in his hometown. Boy sees sister’s best friend in a new light now that they’re adults. Girl falls hard for best friend’s brother who she’s had a secret crush on forever. Insert a great group of friends, the local bar, a lake, the best tacos in town, and one Princess Leia golden bikini costume and you’ve got a lighthearted, sweet romance worth your time.
Four Loves

Great review! New author to me. Shelved on Goodreads! Thanks!