
Dragon Fever by Donna Grant…ARC Review

Dragon Fever releases TOMORROW! 

Dragon Fever - cover

A yearning that won’t be denied

Rachel Marek is a journalist with a plan. She intends to expose the truth about dragons to the world – and her target is within sight. Nothing matters but getting the truth, especially not the ruggedly handsome, roguishly thrilling Highlander who oozes danger and charm. And when she finds the truth that shatters her faith, she’ll have to trust her heart to the very man who can crush it…

A legend in the flesh

Suave, dashing Asher is more than just a man. He’s a Dragon King – a being who has roamed this planet since the beginning of time. With everything on the line, Asher must choose to trust an enemy in the form of an all too alluring woman whose tenacity and passion captivate him. Together, Asher and Rachel must fight for their lives – and their love – before an old enemy destroys them both…


My Review:

Dragon Fever is release number 12 in the 2016 1,001 Dark Nights lineup as well as part of author Donna Grant’s amazing Dark Kings series.  Donna Grant was one of the first paranormal authors I found after looking for more reads to quench my post-Twilight thirst about nine years ago and I fell in love with her worlds immediately. I always look forward to more from her and this novella was just as amazing as I knew it would be.

A sexy dragon king, Paris, secrets, danger, and bourbon…what else can a gal ask for? From the very beginning, I was glued to this story.  I adored these two characters and was a nervous wreck for the situation they were in.  A dragon king trying to keep his existence a secret and a determined journalist on a mission to expose them.  It was almost an impossible situation…almost.  This is a perfect example of opposites attracting and oh my how I loved it. Asher is sexy, smart, worldly, and has no desire to be a part of this dog and pony show.  A worthy distraction walks in in the form of a stunning woman with intrigue in spades.  The chemistry and heat were off the charts from the start and seeing these two evolve from something purely physical to realizing fate has a hand in what’s happening between them, and in a word, it was magic.

Of course, there is plenty of suspense along with the heat.  I was so worried Asher would be found out and any budding romance between he and Rachel would be squashed.  Luckily, Donna Grant has such an amazing way of having even the most bleak moments turn out better than I could have imagined.

Thank you, Ms. Grant, for another spellbinding read!


Five Loves

J signature


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Dragon Fever - RDL teaser 2



Donna Grant - headshotAbout Donna Grant:

Donna Grant is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the sizzling Dark King series featuring dragons, immortal Highlanders, and the Fae.

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.

Despite deadlines and voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two children, four cats, and one long haired Chihuahua.

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  1. Thank you for the amazing review!! xoxo

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